Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Study week has begun!

I got up and went over to Anna's around 10am. We proceeded to go shopping for supplies for lunch. Came back and her roommate Alyssa made french toast for us. After breakfast we hit the books hard. We took a 30 minuted break for lunch. We made a sweet potato, spinach, and bell pepper fritatta (delicous!). Then we went back to studying until 8:30 when we broke for 15 minutes for dinner. Then continued studying until 10pm when we finally finished going through out nutrition notes. OH MY GOODNESS!!! My brain was so fried that I went to the local gas station and bought a pint of ice cream and ate the whole thing. I feel so much better. I'm going to watch a quick TV show and then head to bed.

Oh yeah, when I was at Anna's I saw a cereal box one of her roommates had.

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