Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pack up and clean up

Woke up and ate fruit and toast in bed. Still cold so I stayed in bed as long as possible. I got dressed and ready. I then went and helped Andrew return all of the gear that we rented for the trip. I then came back home and packed up my room, did laundry, and cleaned EVERYTHING. For 6 hours I had to sort through everything I owned over here and decide what to take home, what to throw away, what to give away, and how to get it to fit in my 2 suitcases. I have 2 suitcases and a duffle bag. When I came over here the duffle bag was a carry on. Since then United Airlines has merged with Continental and the size regulations for carry-ons have changed. Im only alloted 2 bags. So Im not sure what to do with the duffle bag. I might try to take it as a carry on. I really want to bring over some more Tim Tam cookies though and am not able to fit them in my suitcase (because I have reached my weight limit and there is no space, and they will get crushed).

Today Nicky left for her trip to Cairns with Gavin and his family. They will be gone for 2 weeks and then she will come back and leave to go back to South Africa for the rest of the winter break. So SAD :( It was very hard to say goodbye to her. At least I was able to give her a small bracelet before she left. She gave me a necklace and ring to remember her by. I'm going to miss her so much. She was a big part of my experience over here.

After everything was all packed up I turned on the light in the living room and the light bulb exploded! Glass went everywhere! So I had to deal with cleaning that up.

Around 6pm I left and took off to meet up with Anna and Alyssa for dinner at Hilary's Boat Harbor. About 10 minutes into the 30min trip I realized I forgot my camera. I was really upset. Alyssa leaves tonight at 5:45am to go home to Wisconsin. I wasn't able to get a picture of our last night out :( We ended up eating at a restaurant called the Reid Lounge. We got gourmet pizzas and potato wedges. So delicious! Afterword we walked to a gelatto place (Italian ice cream) I ordered 1 scoop of cookies and cream. It was chocolate based ice cream with teddy graham cookies and chocolate chunks (much different than our cookies and cream but really good) They gave me 1 scoop equivalent to 3 scoops! There was so much! I had troubles eating it and that was with Anna's help!

I then came home and am just chilling and absorbing all I can of Australia. Tomorrow is full of chores (closing bank accounts, last minute souvenir shopping, getting the battery of my computer fixed before the very long plane ride, etc...)

Good night

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