Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kalbarri National Park! Day 1

We woke up to such a beautiful beach!! I couldn't stop taking pictures!
We walked around about 7:30am in search of sea creatures since the tide was low. We saw 1 bird, 2 conchs (slug things in spiral shells), 1 dog with his owner, and a bunch of surfers.
We packed up our tent and stuff, because we weren't sure if we were allowed to be there or not. The bright orange tent didn't exactly help us blend it to the green and brown sand dune.
We then drove tot he visitors center and got a map of the national park and registered our information. Once in the park we drove to a place called The Lookout! Here is what we got to see!
We then went to another attraction called nature's window. It is pretty much a giant rock formation with a hole in it. It was pretty cool though.
Me climbing up out of the gorge (just kidding, I'm standing on a very wide ledge completely out of view.)
Just goofing off on our way back from Nature's window.
Next we traveled to Z-bend. This is a spot in the gorge where the river makes a Z shape. It was still quite a nice view.
Without me in the way.
We then went rock climbing. The access down to the gorge was closed. So instead we bushwacked across the top part until we found some solid rocks to tie onto. I then lowered Andrew down into the gorge and he climbed back up. He the lowered me down and I climbed up as well. We did pretty good. I had never set up a route quite like that before so it took about an hour of me setting up and double checking and triple checking to make sure I had it all thought out thoroughly.
After climbing we had to bushwack back out. It took a bit longer and was a bit more painful on the way out. We kept walking through tough plants that kept shredding our legs to pieces. Eventually we made our way back to the path and headed back to the parking lot.

We then put away our rock climbing gear and got out the camping gear and found an old abandoned campground. There is no camping in the national park unless it is down in the gorge on the river bank (which is all rock). So we found the old campsite and set up far away from the road.

We did see a rock wallaby and chased it for a bit. Then we made our way back and set up camp. Once darkness fell we got a fire going. We ate canned rigatoni with some cheddar and chive crackers that we added in for more flavor. For dessert we ate some s'mores!!! YUM!!!
The sky was clear with a full moon again. Andrew is a bit into astronomy and showed me some of the southern constilations. He pointed out a very bright star and said it was Saturn. I said that at home the bright star near where the sun set was venus. After checking with the astronomy guide it turns out I was right :) We then headed to bed.

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