Monday, June 14, 2010

Pictures of my house!

Today was a pretty good study day. I woke up and treated myself to breakfast in bed. It was chilly in the house and much warmer in the bed. It was only a piece of toast and a cup of juice but still a nice breakfast in bed. I did finally brave the world and got out of bed. I chatted online with people for a while and then suddenly realized that my time sheet was due at noon. I realized this at 11:30am. So I quickly dug one out, filled it out, ran to the far side of campus to get my boss to sign it, and then turned it in at 11:54am. I'm so good!

Came home and ate lunch and chatted with Nicky about leaving this place. I leave in 2 weeks. It is so depressing. I love it here! I guess it is one of those situations where I left home knowing that I would return, so I don't miss it much. But here, once I leave I'll never see these people again. Even after my internship, one year from now, if I return everyone will be gone because I am friends with mostly international students. So it was a sad hour or so while we talked about it.

I then made it to my room with hopes of studying. I decided to go out and take pictures of this place. Somehow I just never did. So here are a bunch of pictures of the unit I live in.
Here is my room!
The hallway to get to my room. It is lined with a 5 rooms on this side of the house. There is another hallway on the other side with only 3 rooms.
Bathroom with 4 sinks and 2 shower stalls.
Dining room/ living room:
This is my unit! Number 10!
When I walk out the front door this is my view. There is a circle of houses, all like mine:
When I walk out of my house and turn left there is another courtyard:
If I turn right there is nothing because I live at the end of the complex.

After taking all of these pictures I did finally start studying. Economics round 2!! whoo hoo! I did make it all the way through the material and 2 of the 4 practice exams. Not too bad.

I did take a break for dinner. I decided that I wanted chicken parmesan. I had to make a trip to the IGA in order to get the ingredients I was missing. I also bought some more ingredients for smores for dessert!

My chicken parmesan turned out really well! It was great! and I have leftovers so I get some tomorrow for lunch as well! YAY!

During dinner Nicky and I decided that we needed to watch a movie. (I know, I'm catching up on all sorts of movies to last me until next year) We went to Crystal's room to see if we could barrow a movie. We narrowed it down to 2 and asked Crystal if she wanted to join us. Out of nowhere Suzies head pops out of her room (conveniently located beside Crystal's room) and scolded Crystal for being anti-social and how she needed to get out of her room. Yes Crystal has spent most of the year in her room. But when someone is leaning on the edge of being social you don't scold them. Crystal explained that she had and exam on Wed and another on Fri. Then Suzie looked at the movies in our hand and commanded that we watch "17 Again" and that we had better wait for her to finish her shower before starting it.

So we went out to the living room and popped it in and started it. Crystal did decided to join us and grabbed a chair. Kristen joined as well. The subtitles were on so Crystal got out of her chair to get rid of the subtitles. Suzie came out from the shower and yelled at us for being rude and not waiting for her. So I sternly told he to calm down and that we were still getting it set up. She then set her pillow and blanket in Crystal's chair. We all just looked at each other and shook our heads.

During the movie I made s'mores but was unable to share because I didn't have enough supplies for everyone. And I didn't want to share with Suzie at this point in time. (I know that makes me childish, but she always asks for seconds and thirds whenever you share anything. Remember the whole ice cream incident?) It was also $3.50 for the 1 milk chocolate bar that I bought.

After about 30 minutes there was a scene where the main boy of the movie was moving it to kiss the main girl of the movie and Suzie loudly professed to everyone that she (lesbian) could not stand the ooshy gooshy love stuff and got up stomped off to her room. Crystal took her original seat back and we continued to enjoy the rest of the movie on our own.

To recap Suzie budged in on a private conversation, yelled at Crystal, chose a movie for us, invited herself to watch the movie, demanded that we wait for her to take a shower (at 7pm), then called us rude for setting up the movie, and finally made a scene as she exited complaining about the mooshy stuff in the movie she picked out.

I know this drama is trivial but it gets really annoying having to deal with it all the time. I would love to tell Suzie off, but there are only 2 weeks left and I really do not want to deal with a huge fight in the middle of finals. Also, she has no idea that she acts this way. She has no clue that it pisses us all off.

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