Friday, June 18, 2010

Econ Exam!

So I woke up dark and early. About 7am. I know it is not that early but it is when you finally fall asleep around 2-2:30am. I had such a horrible stomach ache. So anyway, I got up and got ready and made chocolate chip pancakes for Syazrin, Sophie and I. I was going over practice problems as I was studying. I finished the pancakes around 7:45am. They weren't coming by until 8:15. So I didnt really plan that well. I finished the practice problems and called Matt.

The good news was that he got the job offer in Alabama. The bad news was that it was not as much money as he was hoping for. As far as I know he has not given them a definite answer.

Sophie and Syazrin came over and were very happy to eat chocolate chip pancakes! We then walked out into the brisk morning air to the Curtin Stadium. That is where our exam was being held. I never though Curtin had a stadium since they don't really have sport teams. Turns out Curtin Stadium is the gym. The just took down the dividers between the 3 basketball courts and lined the place with rows and rows of chairs.

At Purdue, you arrive to the exam location and you are allowed in. I would show up about 30 minutes early just to sit inside the nice quiet room and review until the exam. Here they keep you butt outside in the cold until 15 minutes prior. Then they unlock the doors and every grabs a seat. I filled out an ID card, the answer booklet, and the essay booklet with all of my information. Then they made an announcement that when the big clock at the front of the room turned to 9:00 the exam would start. We were instructed that we would have 2 hours for the exam and 10 minutes of "reading time". So the clock turned 9 and she spoke into the microphone that we could begin. So I read over the 5 essay questions and picked the 3 that I wanted to work on. So I started drawing my graph and explaining it. Then at 9:08 a lady tapped on my desk and said "you have started the exam!" I said "yes I did". Then she said "But it is reading time!" I said "I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means." So she took my booklet away and I panicked that I had just fail my exam for starting early. I assumed reading time was like when we took the ISTEPS through out school. After the time was up you were allowed time to darken and fill in the circles of your answers. You just were not allowed to open the booklet again. The lady did bring me back another booklet. By then it was 9:10 and reading time was over and we could actually start the exam. I however, got to fill in all of my information all over again.

During the exam no one is allowed to leave the room during the first hour or the last 15 minutes. Also, when you are done you raise your hand and someone comes and collects your answer booklets. At Purdue, you can leave when ever you want. So if you are a genius and finish in less than an hour you can leave and they don't lock you in for the last 15 minutes either.

Also people with the last names of A-Rh were at the Curtin Stadium (gym) and people Rh-Z were at another location. If you show up to the wrong location they do not tell you, they let you take the exam and then check afterwords and give you a $25 fine for being in the wrong place! If you cell phone rings, buzzes, or makes any noise at all it is a $100 fine. I think the cell phone thing should be implemented at Purdue. Maybe not such a high fine. But seriously I have taken and exam when over 4 phones went off. Really breaks your concentration. Especially when people don't pick them up and turn them off in the middle of the ring. Because if you touch your phone in an exam it is considered cheating and you fail automatically.

Anyway, so I finished the exam right before the 15 minute mark at the end. So I walked out as the lady was announcing that no one else could leave. I think I did really well on the exam. The multiple choice had a lot of the same questions as the practice problems. The essay questions were very very similar to the homework problems that did again the previous night.

After my exam I took a nice 2 hour break to clear my head. I also rubbed my hand for about 20 minutes because I have never taken and essay exam before and my hand was so sore. I wrote over 6 full length pages.

I then studied nutrition education material for the rest of the day. Syazrin came by around 3 to say good bye. He was heading back home to Malaysia. I wasn't best friends with Syazrin. We had class together and we hung out every Thursday night for pancakes. But it was still said to see him go. It was hard because it meant that this was the beginning of the end. He was the first to go and so many other people will leave as well. Eventually I will leave. I guess back home when ever I switched schools from Benton Central to the Academy it wasn't an issue because I knew I would come back home over the summers and breaks. Same thing for when I went to Michigan State. I could always come back. As well as Purdue. I could always drive up to Michigan State if need be. I will always have the opportunity to call and meet up with friends from these various places. But for here in Australia. Once I leave it will be very hard to come back. If I ever do come back everyone will be gone because I was friends with a lot of international students. It is hard to know that that is the last time I will ever see Syazrin again. Same for Sophie and Nicky and everyone.

So it took a while but I eventually got out of my bummed mood and started studying again. I made it to about 5pm when my stomach started hurting again. I ate some dinner and it only made it worse. I was able to lay down on my side and study for a while but since I didn't get much sleep the night before I started getting really sleepy really quickly.

Nicky came in and talked with me for awhile about a lot of different things. I think because my mind was not focused on my exam that is why my stomach ache went away. Nicky left and hour and a half later and I returned to studying and the stomach pain was back on. DANG! I went out and chatted with Rikke and Kristen. They wanted to know what to eat to loose weight. I then spent the next 30-40 minutes telling them that you dont eat anything to loose weight. You have to stop eating things like cake and ice cream. For Rikke I told to to stop drinking 5-9 beers 3-4 times a week. She didn't like that answer.

Went back to studying and around 1 am I decided to quit. My stomack hurt, my eyes hurt, and nothing was sinking into my brain. I then went to bed. I fell asleep rather quickly.

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