Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last day in Australia :(

I woke up and treated myself to some homemade cinnamon pancakes in bed. After getting up and ready for the day I went to downtown Perth to the Apple store that just opened up 2 days prior. I made and appointment for noon (they only had 5 spots left for that day, so I was lucky. I went to the nearby bank and closed my account and did a little souvenir shopping waiting until noon.

I made my way back to the apple store for my appointment. I was #3 on the list at 11:55am. At 12:25pm I was #2. Apparently having an appointment around lunch time in a brand new store was a bad idea. I made the journey to the apple store because my extra laptop battery died. Not a big deal since it was an extra but yes a big deal for a 24 hour flight. That battery was 4 hours of entertainment. I got the battery right before I left to come over to Australia and it died 8 days before I was to leave to go back home. Finally, at 12:35pm I was able to get someone to look at the battery. They said that because it was a 3rd party battery (as in bought off of ebay) it was no longer under warranty. CRAP! They did offer to sell me a new battery for $199! YIKES! Not worth 4 hours of entertainment in my opinion.

I was hungry and went to a restaurant across the street called MYO Make Your Own. It was really cool! You walk in and 1. Pick your base. This can be a wrap, pizza base, bread, or just a plain plate. 2. Make your own sandwich, wrap, pizza or salad by walking around the buffets and placing lunch meat, cheese, various vegetables, dressings, and what not on your base. 3. Heat it up if you choose. Great for pizzas or if you want a hot sandwich. 4. Pay for your creation. It is priced per weight. I was very impressed and my wrap was very tasty!

I then tackled the task of last minute souvenir shopping. After 2 hours of looking and find deals I was finally done.

I then headed back to campus and over to Anna’s flat where I hung out with Anna and Ariel for about 1.5 hours and said our goodbyes. I then went across the street and bought some stuff for dinner (because I was down to just a hodgepodge of random stuff). I also might have stocked up on Tim Tams to bring back to the US!!!

I had a nice spaghetti dinner and a shower and said my final goodbye to Suzie. Andrew came and picked me up and took me to the airport. This saved me a $50 taxi. I also had 2 full suitcases a duffle bag and a back pack. So I was glad that Andrew was able to help me carry my stuff in. In Australia you can get through security without a boarding pass. You can wait at the gate too! So Andrew came and kept me company which was very nice because my flight wasn’t for another 2 hours.

We had some Chai tea and hot chocolate and my last caramel slice. It was then boarding time and I said my final goodbye. It was really hard because I just didn’t want to go. I really enjoyed my time here. I loved the people, the laid back attitude, the weather, and most importantly all of the friends that I will probably never get to see again. I then headed off for my 24 hours of flying (36 hours of traveling total).

Goodbye Australia! I had the most amazing adventures and the time of my life.

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