Friday, June 4, 2010

Gavin's Party!!!/ Climbing Adventures

I woke up and studied up until my final microbiology lab exam at 1pm. It was a comprehensive exam. We all get there and there are 10 stations. Everyone sat at a station and had 8 minutes to perform the task and answer some questions and then the egg timer would ding and we had to get up and rotate one spot and start doing the next task and answer more questions. Some stations I needed about 5 more minutes to do everything and other stations I was done within 3 minutes. So it was a little frustrating because you could revisit a station. So then I figured out to do the task and answer the question directly related to the task and leave the comprehensive questions last. I could answer those when I was at another station with extra time. So in the end I was able to get all of the questions answered. I was pretty happy because there were some people who were still frantically writing when time was called. In fact there was one girl who was crying because the teacher took away her exam while she was still trying to write in it. But time was up and she should have stopped writing. At Purdue I've heard stories of professors who would tear up exams if the student continued to work on it after time was up.

After my exam I met up with Deb and Katherine to take some more pictures of fruit. We kept hearing this scratching noise and squeaks. We left the room and went across the hall to the court yard and there was a little rainbow lorikeet. Its wing looked broken and it kept trying to climb the door and would get to a certain point and fall over onto its head! So Katherine put it in a cardboard box and was going to take it to the vet. The first vet she called refused to look at it because the Lorikeets are not native to Australia and are considered a pest. The second vet she called said they would look at it tomorrow. So we shall see what happens. After work I came home and helped Nicky clean the place in preparation for Gavin's surprise birthday party.
We blew up balloons, hung banners, threw confetti everywhere, and all of that jazz. We were done at 7:00pm. Gavin wasn't getting going to arrive until 8:30pm when he was done with soccer practice. So I ate some takeout lasagna!!! Delicious!!!

Here are some pictures of us waiting. We got a little bored and started playing with the food. Here is Hayley with Burger Rings (type of chip) in her eyes and some gummy candy up her nose.
Here is Andrew with a set of gummy teeth in his mouth.
Rikke and Kristen patiently waiting for the moment to eat the chocolate cake.
Natasha and Hannah are from the Netball team that Gavin, Nicky, and I play on.
Finally Gavin came and he really was surprised!!!! His face was so red!!!
We all had the little party poppers in our hands, so when he came in the door we pulled the string and confetti flew out at him. About 30 seconds after the birthday boy arrived the pizza boy came!!! With 9 pizzas! Gavin ate a whole pizza by himself (of course he did just come from soccer practice, so I suppose he was pretty hungry)
Dont worry mine has veggies on it so it is good and healthy...ish.
There were only 12 people there. In Nicky's defense 7 people who said they would for sure be there didn't show up.

After pizza it was time to eat the Chocolate Mud Cake!!! We could only fit 7 candles on it. So we lit all of the candles and gave everyone a sparkler. It was pretty cool singing happy birthday in the dark with all of these sparklers going! The cake was to die for!! Such chocolatey, creamy goodness!
The party died down and we put the food away. Since I ate lasagna, 3 slices of pizza, and a 1.5 pieces of cake, along with a lot of chips and watermelon, I needed to burn off some of those calories. Some people decided to go to The Tav because it was The Last Bash since it was the last day of class. But the line was REALLY LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG. So instead we went for a walk around campus and walked by the water tower. We then decided to climb the water tower. Yes I was stone sober! But for me it was just like climbing rocks only easier!

The tower is a big cylinder with horizontal bars all around it. So we climbed on the inside of the bars on the side of the tower with no light on it. We only climbed up half way.
I took some pictures but I had to have the flash off in order to not give us away. So the pictures are very fuzzy. Sorry.
This is the inside looking out. Turn your head sideways to the left.
Here is looking down at Andrew below me.
Here is looking up above me.
Here is me!

Just looking out over the campus.

So we climbed down. And headed towards the old gym. The old gym was a small building that was half in the ground, kind of built into a hill. The roof is a giant geometric dome. We could literally walk up this hill to the started edge of the roof. I didn't get a picture of the whole dome. Only pictures on top of it.
So I will have to go back later and get a picture in the daylight. The dome was dark and had no lights on it. It was however, conveniently located beside the new gym. So after we were done scaling the old gym's roof. We decided to climb the new gym's roof as well! It is seen in the picture. The white building is the new gym.
The only problem is that the roof on the new gym is all tin. So we had to walk very slowly and carefully to be quite. We made it across the first section and then decided to climb the later the lead up to another section. We hung out op there for a bit and then came back down. Once we were all down off of the later we noticed a security car. The Tav had closed and all of the drunk people had been let loose and were everywhere. So we knew security was looking for drunk idiots (not us, we were sober :) Anyway, so we laid down for about 10-15 minutes and kept peaking our heads up over the edge. (by the way, the roof was flat with a 3 foot wall around the edge, like on the top of a parking garage, so no worries about us falling off or anything) The security car was still there but we could not tell if anyone was in it or if they were our patrolling. So we had to crawl all the way back across the roof to the far edge were we could sneak back down. We made it with no problems at all! We then came back home and it was about 2 am and I decided that there was too much stuff to write about at 2 am. So I went to bed and got up and wrote it all out this morning.

Yes I realize what we did was stupid and we were very lucky to not get caught. But it was a blast!! And I got to burn off all of that food I ate.

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