Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Scitech! Microbio round 2

Today I woke up around 7:30am and got up and ready for a long day of studying. I made it until 11:30 when I caught a bus and a train to Scitech. The closest thing I can compare it to is a mix between Imagination Station in Lafayette and the Children's Museum in Indy, only with less museum type stuff. It is place of all very interactive science experiments.

My friend Andrew works there. He conducts the High Voltage shows. Nicky and I have always wanted to go and check it out. Since I am leaving tomorrow after my exam to go rock climbing and then returning on Saturday night, cleaning and packing on Sunday and last minute souvenir shopping and checking out and going home on Monday, I figured today was my last chance to go see Scitech. Unfortunately, when I came to this conclusion Nicky was at work for the day and was unable to join me. So I went by myself.

I got there and there were about 15 different school groups. It was very crowded busy. I walked around and looked at the different displays. Then at 12:30 I made my way to the theater and watched the High Voltage show. Andrew did a great job. All the kids were very excited. When this generator is turned on the girls hair stands up on end.
This is Nicola Tesla's generator invented to distribute electricity to everything everywhere so that no one would have to plug in anything. It would just be able to pick up the electrical signals and work. As you can see though it was a little dangerous and the invention didn't quite make it into everyone's home.
Afterword I went to the Astro Cafe and ate (of all things) a toasted ham and cheese sandwich ON A BAGEL!!!! This was my first time finding a bagel here!!! I really looked for a few weeks and could not find them anywhere! I was so excited. It was delicious. After lunch it seemed that all of the school groups left at the same time and there were only a handful of people left at Scitech. So then I got to go around and play with all of the stuff.

Andrew found me a bit later and let me go for a ride on the Segway! I had never been on one before and it was pretty cool.
I was going to hop on the train to go home, but Andrew was going to be off of work in one hour so I just hungout in a corner area and studied microbiology some more. It actually worked out really well. I got through a lot of my notes and was able to really focus on them. I should have gone to Scitech everyday during finals to study. Andrew then gave me a ride home so I didn't have to deal with the public transport :)

Then more studying, dinner, studying, dessert, studying, snack, studying, blog entry, and will go back to studying. My exam is at 1pm tomorrow. So at least I don't have to get up really early. And no stomach ache! (knock on wood).

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Go Kaylin GO!
    Good luck on your exam. Last one ever, right?
