Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day after camping

We woke up early in the morning 6am because Josh had to leave and therefore take our bed with him. So he kicked us out and Anna and I went over to Hamish's "swag" (an outdoor heavy duty sleeping back with a built in mattress and canvas covering. All 3 of us crammed in there and warmed up a bit. It was still pretty chilly this morning.

As everyone one else woke up some people got creative on how to stay warm. Such as using the emergency blanket our of the first aid kit.

Also this morning there was a kangaroo that hopped through the pasture near our bon fire!!!! I was able to get my camera out and snap one picture before he was off into the woods.
Because Hamish's parents owned the resort they had to feed the guest breakfast until 9:30am.

So in the mean time we packed up camp and got into the trucks and drove towards the resort. But before we left the pasture everyone had to do doughnuts in the grass.
After that we were allowed to come in (because breakfast was closed) and get some bacon and eggs. It was really nice. The day was beautiful too! We ate outside by the lake.

Hamish has a dog named "V" She is a great dane. This is Anna dancing with her.
It was about 11 when Dave gave Anna and I a ride to Pauly's house. Then at noon Pauly gave us a ride 3 hours back to Perth. I arrived home about 5 because we had so many freakin stops along the way. I then unpacked, ate dinner, took a shower, and am getting ready to head to bed.

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