Friday, June 18, 2010

Nutrition Exam!

Whoo hoo. Woke up today dark and early again! Got up around 6:45 and started reviewing over everything one more time. I walked to the Aboriginal Studies building to take my exam. It wasn't too hard to find. This time is was a classroom with about 50-60 people in it. Not as intimidating as yesterday's exam room. The exam contained 10 short answer essay questions where we had to write a 3-4 sentences for each answer. Then there were 10 essay questions where we had to pick 3 to write 1 page essays for each. After the short answer my hand was starting to hurt. It apparently did not recover from yesterday. After the first 1 page essay my hand was really getting sore. After the second full essay my hand was really painful and my handwriting was not legible. During the third essay I had to keep stopping and rubbing my hand. I couldn't form letters with my fingers anymore. I had to write out the words by moving my entire arm. It was pretty bad.

At least I was able to do the "reading time" correctly this time around. I finished my essays and read back over them with about 5 minutes before the last 15 minutes where no one is allowed to leave.

After the exam I went and picked up my reflection journal assignment. I got a 21 out of 30. Apparently, that was really good. Most people got 16-18 points. Then Anna and I went over to Coles grocery store near Anna's flat. We bought some food to make lunch and went back to her place. After lunch Ariel came over and we made gluten free crepes. Ariel has celiac's disease where she can not eat gluten. So we made the crepes with rice flour. They turned out really well. I liked them better than the regular ones.

After crepes I headed back to my place and set up an appointment time for me to check out. That's where they come and inspect my room and see if I broke anything. I also did laundry! Much needed. My room was starting to smell from my clothes.

I'm currently getting ready to take off for a girl's night out with my roommates. Nicky, Kristen, Crystal, our friend Hayley, and I are dressing up, going out to dinner and then dancing afterword. No idea how late we will be out so I'm posting the blog now so I can go to bed once we get back.

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