Wednesday, June 2, 2010

School Breakfast Program

I had to get up early today 6:45am in order to brave public transport and get to Beckenham Primary School in time for their Breakfast Club, or their school breakfast program. Because I was afraid of over sleeping and missing the bus to get there I did not sleep well last night.

I got up early and had some terrible stomach pains. I got ready but slower than I wanted to. Suddenly I looked at my watch and realized I only had 4 minutes until the bus. So I jetted out of the house and ran to the bus station only to see my bus pull away :( Its OK because I alloted an extra 30 minutes for traveling incase anything happened (like missing the bus). So I waited 10 min for the next one and was on my way. I had to take the bus to Oats St. and then walk to the Oats St. train station and catch a train to the Beckenham station. Once I got off of the Beckenham station I knew I needed to go south on road railway Parade. I had to stand there and orientate myself. "Ok the sun rises in the east and sets in the west so this way is south" and I started walking. Then I thought to myself "wait, I'm in Australia does the sun still rise in the east? Am I going the wrong way?" I had to rationalize to myself that no matter where you are in the world the sun always rises in the east and that I was indeed going south. I blame it on the little sleep.

Anyway, I got to the school and a girl from my class was also volunteering there. Her name is Danielle. I didn't know that until today. I just recognized her but never had actually met her before. So we met up with Mr. Haley, the guy who runs the breakfast program, and set up.

We were in a small "special" classroom where there were only 3 rows of desks. The front row is where we set out Weet-Bix cereal, full cream milk (whole milk), toast, vegemite, tinned peaches in a bowl, and 2 apples that were sliced up. All of the food listed was donated by Foodbank. However, the school still buys juice, margarine, honey, and jam for the kids to drink and put on their toast. Out of 420 students, only 12 came for breakfast club. Of those 12 every one ate toast with a lot of margarine and jam (some vegemite takers), 2 kids ate cereal, and 2 kids ate some peaches. I tried to push the apples but not 1 kid ate them. It made me a little sad inside to know that these kids don't eat very nutritiously. The breakfast program is only offered on Wed and Thurs. So that means the other 3 days a week the kids are still hungry when they come to school.

Here is the set up. I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the children.
After we cleaned up, Mr. Haley took us on a tour of the schools vegetable garden. They just started it last year. It is gigantic! I was really excited to learn that the classrooms take turns taking care of the garden and then kids get to pick veggies and take them home, or cook them in the classroom.
Danielle than gave me a ride home so I didn't have to brave the public transport again. Once home I met up with my roommate Crystal and we took off to the mall because my only class for the day was cancelled. So at the mall I bought a box of chocolates, some gifts for people, I also bought 2 shirts on sale, and some contact solution (so close only 1 month left and I ran out). I went to the mall so I could by an earring back (because I lost one of mine) and a patch because I tore a hole in my jeans on Sunday. Just a small hole. But apparently they only sell new clothes at the mall, not stuff to repair old clothes.

I came home from the mall and then went to work for a couple of hours. After work I jetted off to a netball game. I took Nicky's spot because she had a lot of homework to do. It was the final game and we lost. But that's ok. I still had a good time.

I then came home and chatted with Nicky and helped her plan for a surprise birthday party for Gavin. His birthday is on Thursday but the party will be Friday night. It should be lots of fun.

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