Thursday, June 10, 2010

Failed Vegetable Soup

I woke up and ran straight to work. I then proceeded to spend the next 6.5 hours taking pictures of vegetables. I did talk to Katherine and got the follow-up story on the rainbow parakeet from last week. Unfortunately, the bird did not make it through the night. She thinks it died of shock. But at least it died in a warm box with fruit in its tummy as opposed to outside in the cold with other birds attacking it. Its wing was broken and the bone was sticking out. So even if it did make it through the night the vet wouldn't have been able to do anything.

After taking a million pictures we packed up and I headed to the print shop to print off some notes and study guides. I came home and watched a movie called "In Her Shoes." It was a good movie about sisterhood.

I then took all of the chopped up vegetables from work and prepared them to make vegetable soup. However, I did not have a pot big enough to contain all of them and I did not have any type of stock. So tomorrow I shall go buy some stock and call around to borrow a pot from someone. So then I just heated up some leftovers for dinner.

I then just bummed around for the rest of the evening. Tomorrow shall be another big study day.

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