Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last day Kalbarri (Tourist day/ headed home)

Woke up in a nice warm room, and comfy bed. We wanted to go to sleep at 9pm but made ourselves stay up until 10pm. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that when we got the hostel room, we turned on the tv to find out that Australia had named their first female prime minister. A very big and monumental moment in Australia's history. Kevin Rudd the previous prime minister was challenged and Julie Guilard took his place.

Anyway. Since we went to bed super early we woke up pretty early as well (6am) Andrew slept in until 8am. We had a hodge podge of food left. So for breakfast we ate gummy candies, marshmallows, beef jerky, cheddar and chive crackers, MnMs, granola bars and what not.

We then packed up and checked out and took off to the souvenir shops. There is a flower here called a frangipani. I wanted to find some jewelry with this flower on it. I did find some but is was all made our of plastic and for little girls. I wanted some nice jewelry, but no luck. I did get some souvenirs for people back home. So less shopping to do right before I leave.

Oh yeah, here a lot of cars have roo bars (to deflect the kangaroos) and a snorkel for when they cross rivers in the outback. I kept meaning to get a picture and never did. So I took one this morning outside the souvenir shops.
After the shops we went to a place called Rainbow Jungle. This is a bird breeding aviary. It was pretty cool to see all of the different birds in Australia.
Here is a picture of Australian Love Birds
Here is a rainbow lorikeet for mom and dad.
After Rainbow Jungle we went to a place called Red Bluff. It was a nice lookout point over the ocean. Here is the view.
We then headed for a very long drive home. On the way we got to see the sun set and moon rise at the same time to where is looked like the moon had blues and purples around it.
We arrived home late because of an accident on the highway that brought the traffice to a near stand still.

Once home we unloaded, and I chatted with Nicky and Gavin (not realizing that they leave tomorrow and I will never see them again :( I gave them their souvenir/gifts fro Kalbarri and Nicky gave me a necklace and ring to remember her by. I will miss her terribly. We will say our formal goodbyes tomorrow. (I hope I can hold it together).

Then I made dinner and took a nice warm shower and worked on all of my blogs until now. I'm headed to bed once I post this one. Tomorrow I have to pack up my room into 2 suitcases the best I can.

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