Sunday, June 20, 2010

Camping at Merribrook Resort

So to catch up; Friday night I went out with my roommates. We were supposed to leave at 6:30pm. I was the only one ready on time. I was hungry too. Kristen woke up from her nap at 6pm. Nicky and Crystal didn't get home until 6:30pm. Everyone took showers and did their hair and got ready. Hayley showed up around 7pm and realized she forgot her passport. So she took a taxi back to her place to get it. While waiting for her everyone else started taking shots and drinking wine. When Hayley returned we took some group photos and were finally able to leave the house and arrived at the bus station at 7:55pm.
We had missed the bus by 5 minutes. The next one wasn't due until 8:25pm. So we sat outside in the rain and cold for a while. The bus came and dropped us off at the Murry St. mall. We went to a nice Italian cafe place and got some amazing and well awaited food. I was finally able to eat my dinner at 9:30pm. My stomach was still in knots from stress and then hunger pains on top of that. Then I ate my food very quickly and I ate too much. It was not a good combination.

We then went to Carnegies. It is a bar for people about our age.
The 5 of us were dancing and having a great time when 2 boys came and started dancing with us. We let them dance for a while and then we got annoyed. They were drunk, not good looking, and were a little too touchy feely. The fat one kept squatting down and humping our legs like a dog. I kicked him off and he just rotated around to all of us. The other one of them pulled me aside and started telling me how much he like me and yada yada yada.... I told him I was not interested, I was engaged, I was leaving in 9 days to go to the US, I was out with my roommates for our last night out together. He would not let go of me and instead held me tighter. I pushed him away a couple of times and then started getting very loud and blunt. The girls came up and grabbed me and we all took off to go to another bar. Stupid boys!
Traveling in the rain to our next destination.
We walked from downtown Perth to an area of the city called Northbridge. Once in Northbridge we went to a dance club called Paramount. There was a live band playing. They were really good. We had a great time dancing until about 11:30pm when it got really crowded.
The good news is that I bumped into Ariel and Alyssa there with a bunch of their friends.
We had a great time until a group of guys started dancing with us and pushing us up against the stage and speakers. Super loud!!! Once the boys started dancing inappropriately we got out of there. We were going to head to another club when Haley started complainging about her feet. She was in pain from her new heals that she decided to break in tonight. So at midnight we hailed a cab and went back home. We stayed up in the kitchen talking and reminiscing about the evening until 1am. We then went and got ready for bed and crashed.

Saturday: I slept in the next morning and had an egg ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. I was supposed to be picked up at 1pm to go camping for the evening. I then received a call from Anna and was informed that I needed to meet at her place. So I had to carry all of my stuff for 20 minutes across campus to Anna's apartment.

We met up with Josh and loaded up and headed on our way around 2pm. We stopped in at a fruit stand place and bought and tried an emu/ kangaroo meat pie. It was pretty good and a bit spicy. Josh and Ned unloaded a few crates of oranges for the 88 year old man who ran the place and were rewarded for their kindness with a bag of mandarin oranges.

We did stop and get dinner at a place called Switch Charcoal Chicken. Anna and I got Chicken Rolls. It is literally a bread roll with diced chicken and gravy in it. Apparently it is a pretty common meal.
With a few more stops we eventually made it to Merribrook Resort. Hamish is a friend of Josh's who's parents own the resort. There is 160 acres. A small fraction of it is a Lake with a few cottages and nice garden areas. The rest of it is just land as is. So we were out in a back pasture and camped there. The style of camping was a giant bon fire and everyone pulls up their trucks and puts mattresses in the back.
At some point in time the bon fire had only burnt in the middle and the wood on the edges needed to get pushed in. So Hamish went and got the tractor and pushed in the wood.
While that was going on a kid named JP (Runcle) decided to start cooking the snags (sausages). He did a terrible job and cut them all up in the process so they burst out and looked like intestines on the barbie.
After the snags were eaten someone busted out a bunch of Tim Tams!!! They were so good. No s'mores at the campfire like back home but the tim tams were really good.
This is Josh playing the guitar and Hamish singing along. Everyone went to bed around midnight. I stayed up late with Ned and Hamish. Around 2am I finally went to Josh's car and shared the back with Josh and Anna. It was supposed to be Anna and I and josh outside on the ground, but Josh didn't want to move so we just slept there really crowded all night long.

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