Monday, March 15, 2010

Official start of internships!

Woke up this morning and did laundry. Then I went with Suzie to the shopping center to buy groceries. I bought a bunch of fruits and veggies yesterday but I also needed things like yogurt, meat, granola bars, etc... Anyway came back and finished my laundry and then went to class. I did discover a chocolate covered wafer cookie thing called Gaiety. It is like a fat piece of Kit Kat bar. Except better. Now that I have discovered these I think I'm going to get fat. They are delicious. I also made another thing of strawberry shortcake and shared it with some more of my roommates. I didn't realize it was just an American thing. My roommates from South Africa, Australia, and Norway all really loved it. I did buy vanilla ice cream today to put on top of the shortcake. On Wednesday it will be St. Patty's Day. I asked around to find out about festivities and it turns out it is not a big deal here. I learned of 1 Irish pub downtown that will have a band and drink specials but that is about it.

Last bit, I received a phone call today from a head of the dietetic internship program at Sarasota Hospital today!!! She called to schedule a phone interview!!! I'm very excited and yet nervous. It will be next Wednesday at 9:00 pm my time. If anyone has tips on how to prepare for a phone interview please let me know. I'll take all of the help I can get.

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