Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Buddy Bailed

Went running again today. It took 2 laps around the basketball courts before my sore and stiff legs started loosening up. Made it 30 minutes again. Only a high of 87 F today!!!! The heat wave is over. I don't know if I posted it already but during the week long heat wave temperatures got up to 114 F! And it is humid, unlike Arizona's dry heat.

Curtin University's International Exchange Office set up a buddy program. Today we were supposed to go to The Tavern (the only bar on campus) and meet up with our buddies. I get there and only have my Indiana drivers license on my. The last time the exchange office held an event we all got in around noon and no one checked our IDs. I assumed it was like B-dubs where anyone can be there until 9:00pm and then it is "officially" a bar and only people 21+ are allowed in. Nope. I got there and the doorman lectured me for not bringing my passport. So I walked all the way back to my unit and retrieved it and walked back to The Tavern (about 25 min of walking). I got there and I asked the person in charge whom my buddy is. My buddy forgot her ID and just went home. To make matters even better. We were told we would get lunch. Last time they served us burgers (and they were GOOD). This time they served us deep fried potato wedges with sour cream and mini egg rolls with soy sauce. All very greasy and very HOT. I burnt my mouth eating. So I left and went back home to get a proper/ healthier lunch.

Only had 1 class today Economics. That was almost exciting. I can't wait until tomorrow when I get economics twice in the same day. Just kidding.

After class I went and booked all of the touristy stuff Matt and I will do when he gets here. It is planned that we will be in Perth for 3 days so he can recover from jet lag, fly to Broome (west coast) for 2 days where we will snorkel and see all of the same stuff as the Great Barrier Reef (east coast) for only half the price and less coral but bigger and more fish, Darwin for 3 days where we will go on crocodile tours, and finally Sydney for 3 days where we will be on our own. Our flights, hostels, and tours are all booked. All we have to worry about is food, souvenirs, and small trips like museums or zoos.

I then helped teach a Canadian boy how to make stir-fry. He was so excited. This was his first time cooking, ever. It turned out really well. He even gave me some of the leftovers so I wont have to cook tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like that episode was a feasco. You and Matt are going to have a pretty good vacation. Make sure he brings some strong sunscreen and mabe even some t-shirts to wear swimming for protection. If you are tanning with 50 he may need 80/90 protection. Sun burn can really ruin a trip. Econ is boring no matter when or where you take it. Just try to mutter thru. Had my blood drawn yesterday will know next week if my cholestral is down or not. While on the couch last night tia had a seizure(I think). She seems ok now. That a quite a nightmare. Time to go bowl. Love mom
