Saturday, March 13, 2010

Caversham Wildlife Park (lots of pictures!)

I woke up bright and early after Beach Bash to go to Caversham Wildlife Park. It was totally worth it!!!! I was a little skeptical of the busses. They came straight out of the 70's and smelled so bad. We had to ride them for an hour each way.

When we first got to Caversham they took us in to go see the farm show. We learned about how the use Australian Kelpie dogs to heard and drive the sheep. Then we got to see a sheep shearing demonstration, Learned how to crack a whip, and milk a cow. Shearer's get paid $2-3 per sheep, they shear about 150-200 sheep a day. The "fleece" (wool) that is shaven off is sold for $20 each. Then they are made into $1,000 dress suits and things. Also pictured, are very cut little lambs. Yes wer have them at home, but I couldn't resist.

Then we got to wonder around the rest of the park. I mostly hung out with a girl named Melonie. She is from Canada. We got to pet koalas. We were informed that they sleep 18-20 hours a day, so they are mostly sleeping in my pictures, and that they are NOT a bear. So don't call them koala bears because every Aussie gets upset. Also, when you pet a koala you have to use the back of your hand, and only pet their backs. Their coats kind of feel like wool, soft and a little stiff. I was fortunate enough to get a video of one walking (which looks really funny) and then jumping into a tree!

We also got to feed kangaroos! And pet them too! They were so cute. And extremely well tamed. I have so many pictures but I can't post all of them. At the end Melonie and I wandered towards the back of the feeding area and found a very tiny and very cute kangaroo.

Here is such and adorable picture of Melonie with the kangaroo. I wanted to get a picture like that too. I knelt down beside him I said to Melonie "I hope he doesn't bite me" and as I did my long hair swung and I think he thought it was attacking him. So he instantly clawed and attacked my head. I have a small scratch next to my eye, and my ear was pretty red. Don't worry it was the ear with 3 hoops in it. Melonie snaped the picture right after it happened and only got me jumping away. I tired to get my picture and chickened out, hence the horror look on my face. Then we stood up to walk away, took 2 steps, and he jumped up and attacked Melonie's arm. All of the other kangaroos were really sweet. Just this one was not. I think he was mad that we were leaving and that we ran out of food. Here is the series of events.

Next, we got to see and pet a wombat. I did not realize how gigantic these creatures were. I always though they were small like an opossum's size. But they are about knee height and 2-3 feet long. They are about the size of a medium-large dog. This is a full grown man holding one. We were only allowed to pet its legs. It kind of looks like a cross between a bear and a rodent.

Here are a bunch of animals. Everytime I post, I write it up and place the pictures and label them. Then when I submit the post it gets all screwed up. Hopefully, you will be able to tell which animal is what. Here is a Dingo. It came right up to the fence and Melonie said she wanted to pet it. I then had to tell her "Do not put your hands in the Dingo fence, it will bite them off. The fence is electric for a reason."

Next is a kookaburra. I tried to get a video of it "singing" or laughing like a old creepy witch. Whatever you want to call it. But I was unsuccessful. Here is an emu. The picture doesn't show it very well but their heads are very blue. The oil they produce is used in a lot of lotions and creams because it is very good for the skin.
The tasmanian devil is sleeping. But I'm told that when they make noise it sounds like the devil laughing and in the sun their ears turn bright red.

Here is a black footed rock wallaby. Wallabies and kangaroos are different. The guide said it was the size of the thighs that made them different. They looked the same to me.

Here is a quokka. Still don't really know how to pronounce it. Kind of looks like and extra fluffy rat.

Here is the Australian Shellduck. It is actually quite colorful. And a picture of a black swan since I have not been able to get one yet, and it is very important to the city of Perth.

This is a long-nosed potoroo. Didn't even know it existed. Just took the picture because I thought the name was funny.

I took this picture for my brother Todd. This is a male and female pair of Gang Gang Cocatoos. I just thought they were pretty and thought of you and Alicia, the only people I know who have pet birds.

This is me doing my best Steve Irwin impression at the souvenir shop. What do you think? I want one of those hats....but they are $92!

After Caversham Wildlife Park we went to Margaret River Chocolate Factory. Turns out it is a factory but we only had access to the shop part. So I didn't get to see any chocolate being made. And the chocolate they had was rediculously expensive. I'm not just saying that because I'm a frugal college kid. It was between $15-30 for a box of 7-12 bite size chocolates. Also $25-40 for a hollow Easter Bunny. And no they were not that big of chocolate bunnies either. But across from the chocolate factory was a winery. So I took some pictures because I have never been to a winery and I thought it was pretty scenic.

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