Saturday, March 20, 2010

Footy Match

Went to the Pheonix Demons footy match against the East Fremantle Sharks today. It was a lot of fun. They are minor league teams with a crappy stadium but it was free. I took some video of the match. It is quite a rough sport. There are no helmets, pads, not any type of protection. Not even shin guards.

Here is the Demon mascot. I personally think it looks like a french ice skater. French because of the creep mustache, but that's just me.

So the Pheonix Demons are in black and red and the East Fremantle Sharks are blue and white. First one of the referees (in yellow and black) will bounce the ball on the ground as hard as he can so it will bounce straight up into the air. Then players jump and grab or tip it like in basketball. In order to pass the ball to another teammate they hold the ball in one hand and have to hit it with a closed fist with the other hand or drop kick it to a teammate. You can only run 15 meters with the ball and then you have to bounce it (like dribbling in basketball). Players can tackle, trip, fight, and do whatever it takes to get the ball from each other (similar to American football). The only thing they are NOT allowed to do is push on the back of another player.

There are 4 poles at each end of the field. In order to score the ball has to be kicked between the poles. If it goes through the 2 middle poles (the tallest poles) the team scores 6 points and they do another bounce off in the middle of the fields (like in soccer, where they start in the middle after each goal). It it goes between a set of an outer pole and an inner pole the team scores 1 point and the referee will throw it in backwards over his head and continue play.

18 players from each team are allowed on the field. There are 6 referees. The game is played in 4 20 minute quarters. It is a very fast paced and intense game. There was a point where two players jumped up for the ball and cracked heads and both fell backwards and laid there while the game continued.

The concessions stands are called "Canteen"

After the game came home and met up with some friends to play Uno, Taboo and watched The Italian Job.

I apologize for the fuzzy videography. I didn't realize that it was fuzzy until I got home. But you should be able to get the gist of it.

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