Friday, March 12, 2010

Beach Bash!! 3/12/10

Had 2 three hour labs today! Then went over to Anna's flat and had a barbie! I also picked up my charged battery from the girl I met at Alyssa's birthday party. She has the samer camera as I do and therefore charged my battery for me!!! After dinner we all went to the beach bash!

Once a year, the Tavern which is more of an outside bar, brings in sand and hot tubs. They sell 1,500 tickets at $20 each. It was a blast! Everyone showed up in bathing suits. I went with about 6 friends. We got there and Anna and I immediately jumped in a hot tub with about 6 other random people. (Picture #2; Hot tub from L to R; Kellan, me, Mark, Allie, Stephan, Robert, Anna is taking the picture)

We hung out there for a while. Then we ventured out and found the bubble/foam machine!

(Picture #3; Blonde girl, Me, Anna, some guy, Mark, Kellan)

(Picture #4; Me, Anna, Kellan)

The machine was beside the live band! We danced in the bubbles until we were soaking wet! It was a blast. We also explored the sand pits. We even helped burry some random guy we had never met. (Picture #5; Sand pit pictured)

There was even a mechanical surf board. (Picture #6; some guy on the board, Claire's back, and Alyssa)
I didn't get on and try it because the line was so long. So were the lines to the bathroom. This was an event for 1,500 people and only 2 stalls in the girls bathroom. Who in the world would have thought that was a good idea. In the end we all danced a bunch, a few had creepy guys trying to pick them up so we played the ditch the creepy guy game for a while, lost each other in the massive crowd and found each other again about 1.5 hours later. The last thing we did was order a bunch of french fries and eat them. I didn't order any I just mooched off of others. We got there around 6:30pm and the even closed at 11:30pm.

(Picture #7; Alyssa, Claire, Arielle, and ME)

On our way home we even got to witness the aftermath of a massive bar fight. I just saw a guy run towards me with a deep gash on the side of his neck and his front and back were covered in blood. Then 5 os his buddies ran past. About 20 seconds later they all ran past again headed in the direction they originally came from. Only this time there were 3 security people chasing them. We walked around the corner and there were at least 20 people between security and fighters just yelling at each other at the top of their lungs. We just kept walking. I got home and took a nice shower to get all of the beer that was spilt on me washed off. It is late now (1am) and I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. What a blast thou dost have! Glad you're going to events like this with your friends - plus meeting new friends. And you know how to take care of yourself - like running from creepy guys and not getting into bar fights. I am so happy for you and most proud of you Kaylin. Mom and I saved the very best for last -you! Luv ya, dad!
    p.s. - what great pictures. Glad you were able to get your camera battery recharged. Twas great seeing you briefly at 12:30 a.m. Australia time.
