Friday, March 5, 2010

Buddy and Welcome Party

As I walked through campus this morning I passed by a fountain and saw parrots taking a bath in it! They were about half of the size of the parrots that I have seen thus far and these parrots were green and had colorful chests on them. I was able to get a few pictures. They were so cute and fun to watch.

After my first 3 hour lab today I was finally able to meet with my assigned buddy Melissa. We got together and had a picnic lunch. She studied abroad at Purdue from August to February. She is very nice. We discussed all of the differences between here and there. For example, she understands why Americans are fat especially when they eat at the unlimited dining courts on campus. There are no dining courts here. The food on campus here is little restaurants and booths that cost a lot of money and are not that good. It was fun to point out things about Australians that I have picked up on the she never noticed and vise versa for her to me.

After lunch I went to my second 3 hour lab of the day. After that came home and chilled out for a while. At 6:00 the housing area that I live in had a Welcome Party. This involved inflated gladiators (like at prom) Pizza, hot dogs (which is really chicken sausage), and a live band. It was pretty cool. Actually, it got so chilly that people were wearing jackets! Crazy huh?

After that I came home with my roommates and they were planning on going to The Tavern. My roommate Nicky wanted to play a drinking game. So I taught my roommates how to play Quarters. At first we used a 50 cent coin which is about size of half of my palm and a coffee mug, which was way too easy. I then scrambled around my room and found 2 American quarters and borrowed an Australian souvenir shot glass from another girl. Nickey got really good at it and got the quarter in 10 times in a row (no worries, nobody drank for that). After that they stopped drinking and continued trying to get the quarters in the shot glass. It was amusing. Even though I don't drink I'm glad I can still teach them an American game. They don't know how to play beer pong either. I'm not sure if I should teach that to them. They never did make it to The Tavern. We just sat and talked for the next 2 hours. It was pretty cool roomy bonding.

1 comment:

  1. Can you capture a couple of those cute little parrots and bring them home in a bird cage? Glad you got to meet your assigned buddy. Melissa sounds like a real neat girl; plus you two hit it off real well.For a non-drinker, you sure know a lot of drinking games. How about teaching them donkey or spin the bottle, or maybe corn-hole. Sounds like you all are getting to know each other and it's goin great. Makes mom and me happy to read your blog and see you're doing great! Saw Eric today and he's supposed to go home tomorrow, Sat. Drs. started him on clear liquids today. So all is positive. Yea, the Red Wings won today 5-2! Wnt and had pizza at Pizza Hut with Joe, Linda & Brian tonight.(Kinda greasy).Supposed to join Michelle & Terry for pancake breakfast tomorrow morning at the Dayton Presbyterian Church, after which their kids play basketball through the Methodist church. (Can't figure out why Americans are fat!) Have a great weekend! Love ya, dad
