Monday, March 29, 2010

Matt arrived today!!!

Didn’t fall asleep until 2 am because I was so excited about Matt coming! He called and woke me up around 7 am. I couldn’t go back to sleep because I was so excited. Got up and took a shower and got dolled up. Went to campus and printed off my homework and tuned it in. Came back and made a nice sign to hold up for when Matt arrived at the airport. Matt’s flight was delayed 30 minutes, so we were going to pick him up at 12:30pm. He called at 12:25pm and said that he already had his luggage and had gone through customs. So we rushed to get there. I told him I would call him when we got there. We got there and I was unable to call his phone for some reason. We walked all over the place and couldn’t find him anywhere. Eventually I went to the customs official and asked them to page Matt. The guy asked when his flight came in and I said that it had landed at 12:15pm. He said that they had not received a flight since 11 am. He then asked where he was flying-in from. I said Sydney. He then informed me that I was at the WRONG airport. I was at the international airport, and the flight from Sydney was domestic. I didn’t even know that there was more than one airport! So we then had to rush over to the other airport. We eventually were able to pick him up at 1:15pm. Poor Matt had been waiting for an hour! I walked in and found him and we hugged each other for a very long time. It was surreal. It took awhile for it to sink it for the both of us that he was actually in Australia!

After we got home, Matt took a shower and we ate lunch and then unpacked the suitcase that was completely covered in shampoo! Someone didn’t want to go out and buy a ziplock bag. He regrets that decision now.

Matt brought 9 boxes of Girl Scout cookies!!! Soft green sheets! So I can get rid of my expensive yet very scratchy ones. 2 boxes of Little Debbie brownies, a box of Nutty Bars, and a box of Twinkies. I hate Twinkies but they are a very American thing and my roommates wanted him to bring Twinkies so they could try them. My roommates decided that the Twinkies were WAY too sugary sweet and gross.

We then went to the mall and bought groceries for tonight’s dinner and had a list for a bunch of other things. We got to the mall at 4:45pm thinking that it closed at 6:00pm. Turns out it closes at 5:30, but we didn’t figure that out until 5:00pm so we had to run around quite a bit throughout the entire mall. Poor Matt was super tired, jet lagged, and his whole body felt as if he was still on the plane.

We came back home and I made Pumpkin Hot Pot. It is ground beef with celery, carrots, onions, and tomatoes mixed in. This is poured into a casserole dish and then boiled pumpkin that has been mashed up it spread on top. All of this is covered in crushed up crackers and finally baked in the oven for 30 minutes. I thought it was delicious and Matt ate all of the meat.

Then we watched Zombieland with my roommate Nickey and her boyfriend Gavin. Well The three of us watched it, Matt fell asleep within the 5 minutes.

Real quick, adding in that I was getting ready for bed and needed to ask Suzie if I could use one of her eggs in the morning for pancakes. She said yes and then I noticed a small gecko climbing on her door. So I picked it up in my hands and it JUMPED out of them. That little guy jumped a lot for how small he was. I ran around and showed everyone that is still here (all other roommates left their breaks). Here is a cute pic.

1 comment:

  1. Glad Matt is there. Dad had typed a nice letter but the computer lost it and he is frustrated.
