Monday, March 1, 2010

First day of class

Nothing too exciting. I woke up and went running for the first time since I hurt my foot. It held up really well. My lungs on the other hand were having a hard time. I ran laps around the basketball courts. While I was running 4 black parrots sat on the fence and watched me. That was the first time I has seen black parrots here. Then a while later about 50-60 white parrots flew all around me and then perched in a giant tree near the courts. It was really majestic and at the same time I was afraid that they would poop in mid-air and it would land on me. That didn't happen, thank goodness.

After my run I came back home to find my Canadian roommate Carmela returning at 9:00am. She and a bunch of other Canadians went to the casino last night. Apparently it was the ONLY place that was going to show the US vs Canada Gold medal hockey game. The game started at 4am! That is why I didn't join. Canada won and they continued to celebrate until 8am. When she got home, she turned on the TV and the game was playing. Afterwords they played the game AGAIN. She watched the game all 3 times. She tried to rub it in my face but I really didn't care.

I had Food Microbiology today from 3-5pm. My advisor didn't enroll me in time. I showed up to the class anyway. Since I was not enrolled I didn't have access to the notes online. So for 75 powerpoint slides I took notes franticly. I met with the professor after class and there is a lot I need to catch up on. I then went to the library and checked out a microbiology book. I have spent 3 hours reading stuff. I plan on spending more time tomorrow reading too. I hope to get all caught up this week, before all of the homework begins.


  1. Glad the parrots like to watch you run. They probably wonder why humans run and don't fly, and think'I'm glad I am not a human.' Remember the old telephone yellow book add - let your fingers do the walking...., sounds like you had your fingers do the flying when you were taking notes in your micro class. Sugg: it helps to read through your notes shortly after class to both refresh your memory and to correct any mistakes made in your hast to get it all down - 'tis the old fashined way and the only way I know - this is why people's handwriting get sloppy after going to college - look at my handwriting as a perfect example. So are you now enrolled in the class? Hang in there, you'll catch up. Speaking of catching up - Eric just got all his back homework caught up ,and now this recent setback. I understand John had Eric take batting practice last week; dad was working him hard as baseball tryouts are March 1. Sure has different priorities than I ever had for my kids. Hey, have a good sleep. Yea, I know the Canadians won! Interesting that their coach is also the Detroit Red Wings coach and the star who made the overtime goal is the Pittsburgh Penguins star - Matt should be happy. Luv ya, dad

  2. Will clarify Erics surgery. Intestines became like soggy noodles that stick together and to anything around. Intest stuck to each other plus sides of cavity where his tubes used to be. Dr. Summers pulled all of his intest out and had to scrape the inside of the cavity plus some of the intest where it got stuck. He then checked it all over (and while in there removed Erics appendix) then replaced it all back. Thus due to all the scraping Eric is going to be in alot of pain. The appendix was removed to eleminate the possibility of ever having to mess in that area again. John was glad as his sister Vicky had her appendix removed 2 years ago. Saw Matt and gave him the B Review and told him to drive your car since he hasen't since you left. I saw him Sunday at 2pm and he still was not dressed but was going to go to his mom's and set up her computer at school. Will fill you in more after I see Dawn today. Love, mom
