Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hilary's Boat Harbor

Today I went to Hilary's Boat Harbor with through my housing unit. I hung out with Nickey and her boyfriend Gavin. It was a very pretty place. We had to take the bus from the 70's again. We got there ready to go to the beach, the aquarium, and the shops! Turns out it was really really windy. And not that warm. We were all wearing tank tops and shorts and probably should have been wearing pants and sweatshirts. We were pretty unprepared and cold. We went to the aquarium and it was too expensive so then we went and saw the shops and bought a bunch of stuff on sale (a real sale this time). I got a cute dress, some Aussie board shorts, a bracelet, and candy imported from England for Sophie's gift (she was born and raised in England and then moved to Singapore for the past 8 years.) We also discovered, a really cool water park and high ropes course near the end of the trip. We are very excited about it and plan on going back to do those activities.

After we came back I baked a lemon cake from scratch for my friend Sophie because it was her birthday! Then made a card for her as well. I did finish one assignment. I have 2 left to finish before Matt gets here. He leaves today at 6:45 pm from Chicago. He should arrive at 12:05 pm on Monday. Anyway, went over to Sophie's and surprised her at her door. As soon as she opened it we all started singing "Happy Birthday" at the top of our lungs. Her face turned bright red immediately. As soon as we got inside there was a knock at the door. There were 4 guys who were sitting outside on the other side of the courtyard and ran over to wish her a happy birthday and gave her hugs and then left. Everyone loved the cake. I was relieved, because it was my first time ever baking a cake from scratch. I normally use a boxed mix. I also had to make the icing from scratch. She loved the bracelet the Nickey bought her and went ecstatic over the candy I got her. We then played "Bullshit" their version. I then taught them the American version, which is much more fun. After that we played SPOONS which became very aggressive and dangerous very quickly, but we all had a good time. Last, we were taught a game called Turrets. The dealer will go head to head with one person at a time and make their way around the circle of people. They hold the deck of cards and flip the one on top onto the table. Whatever the card may be, you have to take the first letter of the card and say a word. (If the card is a 3, then you would have to race the other person in saying anything that begins with the letter "T") Same as if it were a Queen, race to say something that begins with "Q." You can NOT say the number on the card, and you can not repeat any words. Whoever loses would then take a drink. This goes on with the dealer vs each person all the way around the circle and then the deck os passed on to the next person. They would then go all the way around the circle. But we, honest to God, did not drink alcohol. We just wanted to play the game. Then we came home. Getting ready to head to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fun evening. Matt should be there pretty soon. Probably when you wake up. Good thing you know how to cook and read receipe's. Look's like your cake came out ok. Went to Palm Sunday today and came home with palm leaves. Rev. Ann and Bill were there and just getting over being really sick. Went to a hockey game last night. Ice won there last game. Now time for playoffs. We get to sit Katy Tuesday nite here so may try and get to Jeff's to get my pie containers and glass plate. Not much news so will let dad type. Love mom
    An update - NCAA basketball tourney - Butler beat Kansas State so Butler moves onto the final four next weekend in Indianapolis. First time ever Butler has gone this far. To put it into perspective,it's like David slaying Goliath. Butler is a school of 4,200 vs a school like Purdue of 40,000. Quite an accomplishment. Purdue got beat by #1 seed Duke; they played their "hearts out, but Duke was the superior team -why Duke is up there every year. Also, Ohio State got beat, so only big ten team left is Michigan State (yea!) Mich State plays this afternoon. If we win, MSU goes onto the final four in Indy next weekend. Keep your fingers crossed. Also, the Detroit Red Wings beat Nashville last night 1-0 in a shoot out. Why is this great? I think this all but seals the deal for Detroit making the playoffs. Also, I never remember two NHL teams going through 3 periods of play and still being 0-0. Then in the overtime nobody scored, so it was still 0-0. Then they go play a shootout where it's just the shooter and goalie. And Detroit won the shootout.Yea! Truly happy Matt is coming out to Australia! Have a great time - you both deserve it! Sounds like you did great on your latest quiz. Good for you. Rev Ann gave a nice talk about Mat's mom in church this morning. Well, I suspect you are now asleep as it's after midnight your time. Love you soooo much, Dad
