Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alyssa's Birthday

Same old regular school day. Went for a run this morning. Watched a few episodes of "How I Met Your Mother" My roommate Nicky has seasons 1-3 on her external hard drive. Since I have to pay for internet by usage I can't download or stream any of the TV shows I regularly watch. Then I went to economics and learned about Demand. Tomorrow I get to learn about Supply. Oh Boy!!!

I stopped by the library after class and there is a little food stop area. I bought a chocolate bar called a MILO it is a brownie topped with caramel, chocolate crunchy balls and completely covered in smooth milk chocolate. It was really good! I probably shouldn't have tried it because now I will buy and eat a bunch more.

Went over to my friend Alyssa's. She is the one in the red and black plaid dress. (In order; Mark and Vlad in the back at the barbie, Alyssa in red, Carmella, Kyle, and Chelsea, sitting at the table is Tasha? and Crissy) It was her 21st birthday today. She is from Wisconsin. So it was a big deal (in a country where the legal age to drink is 18) to turn 21. We all got together and had a barbie. Bring your own meat style. I didn't really have any meat to cook up so I just brought leftovers and microwaved them. I almost made her a cake but had a gut feeling not to. Good thing too. There were 3 cakes there. One was chocolate mud cake, one was a brownie cake, and the other was a Hawaiian Dream (banana, pineapple, and nut cake with a cream cheese frosting) The Hawaiian cake was so YUMMY! The girl who made it worked in a bakery back home (Canada) and it was from scratch! Someone made pudding shots. I had never heard of these nor ever tried these before. You take instant pudding and instead of mixing it with 2 cups of milk you mix it with 1 cup of Baileys and 1 cup of milk. I took one taste of the pudding shots. They were chocolatey but still really strong with alcohol and gave it away. Even mixed with chocolate pudding alcohol is still gross. Everyone else thought they were really good. After the barbie everyone went to The Tavern and I went home and watched a comedy show on TV. I think I had the better end of the deal.

Highlight of the day was when I met a girl named Briarly who has the same camera as me! She will let me use her charger to charge my camera!!!! I'm so excited!!! The picture above is the only one that I got at the party because my camera is about to die. There were about 15 more people who showed up later on plus a ton more food.

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