Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bought a Clock/ Maybe rain

Yay Sunday. Lazy Sunday. Slept in. Did homework. Studied economics with Sophie. Then Sophie and I went to the Fremantle market today so I could buy cheap fruits and veggies. It was pretty fun. While there I bought a wooden clock made from a jarrah tree. The clock has beautiful knotwork and is in the shape of Australia. It pretty nice. This clock is for Matt to give to the doctors and nurses who helped with is mom. I'll have to let Matt make the final call on whether he wants to give it away or get a different clock. I also tried to find AAA batteries but was unsuccessful at the market. I shall venture to the mall tomorrow for the batteries. They are important because I have an economics quiz this week where I will need a calculator, and I also have a phone interview with Sarasota Memorial Hospital for a dietetic internship. The lady with whom I spoke told me to make sure that I have a calculator near by. I think I will need it for calculating BMI, and calories for various weights and ages of people. When we came back from the market I watched the movie RENT with my roommate Suzie. Its kind of a sad musical. So now I'm in a weird mood after watching a movie about gays and lesbians drug addicts with HIV. So tomorrow morning there is supposed to be a thunderstorm. It was supposed to be all day today. Then was pushed back to 8 pm and now has been pushed to tomorrow morning. We shall see. If it does rain that will be the first time since I have been here. How crazy, almost 5 weeks with no rain. And yes that is normal here.

1 comment:

  1. Went to church today. Tometra was the preacher. I asked for prayers for you and matts family. Tometra put oil on my forhead in the shape of a cross and said a special prayer for the Auter family. Will meet Dawn and Michelle today at 4 and hope we beat the crowd and can find the funeral home. May let Matt do the brakes on your car and have him or u pay for it as we are really tight right now with the water bill, repair bill, furnace and car plates do in April. Keep up your good spirit. We will donate to the Kathleen Auter fund at her school. Love, mom
