Monday, March 22, 2010

Crazy Wicked Storm!!!10

So woke up this morning and according to it was thunder storming in Perth all day today. But actually it was quite sun shiny all day. Until after my class let out at 4:50 pm. This was my 2 hour lecture and we got out 10 minutes early. It takes me about 7 minutes to walk home from this class. On the way home I think I was sprinkled with 20 rain drops. I walked in the door to my unit, said hello to my roommates who were home at that time... and then KABOOM! All hell broke loose. The sky turned green, golf ball sized hail came down, lightning so bright it hurt my eyes, thunder so loud every one jumped every time it cracked and the wind was howling. We lost power for awhile. It came back on about 30 minutes later. But the internet did not come on for another 4 hours. Then the rest of my roommates came home. One of them saw lightning hit a tree beside her and the tree split in two! Another had a class that you have to swipe your ID card to get into and swipe to get out of. So she actually got stuck in class for an extra hour until the power came back on. Last I knew 4 buildings on campus had flooded including the library and the student center. From the first of the year on Perth had received 0.2 mm of rain and that was on February 7th. Today they received 35.4 mm of rain. So quite a bit. Here are some pictures during the storm and after the storm.

After that we watched the new and I guess Obama's health care something went through? was approved? I'm not sure because my roommates wouldn't be quite and I couldn't hear it. There was also no internet so I couldn't look it up either. Then one roommate, asked what I thought of the health care plan. I said that I could not give an opinion because I was not informed of what exactly was going on. (That is a partial truth and the other half is that there were about 6 other people in the room and I hate discussing politics, especially when I don't know what everyone else's views are) She then proceeded to tell me that America's problem is that there are too many people and that Australia's government can take care of their people because it is the right size. It was very hard, but I nicely said that it is not the size of the population that is the issue. Anyways, that discussion was going to go nowhere good, very quickly. So I went to my room and cleaned it and re-arranged it. So now I have space and don't have to squeeze between my desk and my bed. But my door only opens half way because the bed is in the way. All well.

I was able to get on the internet at 10pm last night long enough to access my blog site and start writing and then lost connection. So I'm able to post now only because I am at the library (11:30 am the next morning) where they have wireless internet. Turns out EVERYONE lost internet so the library is quite a mad house. I'm so glad I have my own laptop and don't have to wait in line for a computer.

I guess the storm made the national news. I'm safe and fine. No worries. Will post again tonight. But I'm safe.

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