Saturday, May 1, 2010

My name is NOT Kate!

Woke up a bit later, because I went to bed quite late. Came home and got ready for the day. I got online and talked with Matt for 2 hours. We talked so much that I wasn't able to get to the farmers market or the post office before they closed. Then I got ready to go with my roommate Nickey to an introductory dance class from 3:00-4:30pm. There is a gym nearby that teaches dance classes. You have to sign up for a 6-week session. They offer 4 different types of classes. They have this intro class that new people can take to get a little sample of each of the types of classes they teach. That way you can make sure you like the class before you have to make a 6 week and $$$$ commitment. Anyway, so Gavin drove us out to the place and it was all closed up. We were 15 minutes early. So we waited until 3:05pm. I looked at the piece of paper a bit closer and realized that they offer the class on Fridays and Sundays (Not Saturdays!!) Whoops!!!! So we just decided to go shopping in down town Perth for the rest of the afternoon.

We were walking around to all of the shops and a group of girls dressed up like they came straight our of the 1940's came up to me and asked to have a picture taken with me. I was a little confused. I was thinking maybe I should have asked them for a picture since they were all dressed up. They explained that there is a group of facebook called Kate's Party. Kate has a profile picture and she is blond and wearing a pink jumper (sweatshirt). Which is exactly what I was wearing today. I was a bit confused but was polite and let them take the picture.

A bit later on I was making a purchase and Nickey and Gavin were waiting outside the store. They came rushing in to let me know that a group of 5-6 guys were wearing blond wigs and had on pink sweatshirts and ran by. I honestly though that they were messing with me because I didn't see them.

Then a bit after that a group of 5-6 people where wearing green and completely painted in green and carrying green fake guns were walking by. (They were dressed up as the little plastic army men that all little boys own). The walked by and started yelling "Kate, Kate, we are coming to your party tonight!!!!" There were a few more crude comments because I was refusing to answer them. We all just walked a bit faster and ducked into a nearby shop.

After we were done shopping, we were on our way back to the car and a group 5-6 people were dressed up as robots with boxes covering their middle, face, arms, legs, ...etc. This time it was Nickey who looked at me and started yelling "Kate, Kate, where is your party?" This was to get the robots attention so they could start yelling at me too! I gave Nickey such a dirty look.

I know it is very simple. You are probably asking "Kaylin why didn't you just take off your pink sweatshirt?" Well, it was chilly. That's why it stayed on and I continued to get hassled. As soon as we returned I got on the internet/ facebook to figure out what was going on. Turns out a girl name Kate decided to have a party and invited her friends. Unfortunately, she did not make it a private setting, so everyone in the world had access to her facebook page and over 60,000 people have registered to attend and 170,000 are awaiting. I have no idea if this has made it to the US or if it is just in Australia. But yeah, everyone thought I was Kate today.

So after solving the mystery of "Who is Kate?" I watched some tv and upload pictures of Matt and I's vacation to and ordered some to put in our photo album that his aunt gave us. I ate my leftover, nasty lasagna. I attempted to watch a movie that was stored on my external hard drive, but my computer keeps acting up. It was goofy yesterday. Today however it is worse. Yesterday I turned it off and back on and everything went back to normal. Today all of the program kept locking up and not responding to anything I did. I turned the computer on and off 3 times. Everytime it still acted goofy. This computer is 4 years old. I just hope it makes it until the end of the semester. EVERYTHING over here is more expensive. I really do not want to buy a computer over here. I could buy it online for the US and have it shipped and it would still be cheaper than buying a mac over here. But I would just rather wait until I got home and save a bundle on shipping.

I shall do some researching and see if I can find someone to fix my mac.

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