Friday, May 14, 2010

Fruit and Veg Voyage!

I woke up this morning and got ready to give my presentation of fruits and vegetables to the second grade classroom at Bentley Primary School. I went on to campus at 9:30 to meet with my group. Melanie was there but Emma was not. Turns out poor Emma had a flat "tyre" so we ended up waiting for over an hour for her to show up. Luckily it was Emma's sister who was the teacher of the class.

We eventually, got to the school and set up. We started our presentation at 11am. The kids were super excited about EVERYTHING. WE set up 3 stations. They learned about serving sizes with Melanie and went to Emma's station to try new fruits and vegetables and make a pirate face out of the fruits and vegetables. They came to my station where I picked 1 kid to be the pirate who was going on a 3 day voyage and the whole group had to plan 2 fruits and 5 vegetables for each day (2 fruits and 5 vegetables is the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating recommendations for kids at that age). I also informed them of Vitamin C and how it was important in order to prevent scurvy, the pirate disease. At the end the all of the kids came together got to eat their pirate creations. When there were left over green beans (raw) they went bizerk over them! They would do anything to ear a green bean. Weird I know. We apparently had quite an influence over them.

The kids were mostly good during the presentation but I did have one group of 4 that just would not sit still. I told them to sit on the behinds and cross their legs infront of them. I would turn to write a fruit up on the board and 2 were missing! They would just get up and walk around and I had to keep calling them back! Another one would just stand up walk to the board pick up a dry erase marker and start drawing on the board! I had to tell him to stop and go sit down abut 3-4 times! I looked up at another point in time and a little boy was sitting their quietly and then fell forward places his head on the ground, kicked his legs up and started doing and head-stand! I couldn't believe it! The kids all definitely had minds of their own.

Then we busted our butts to get back onto campus in time for our next class that was at 1. I was able to get home make and scarf down a quick lunch, change my clothes from professional wear into something more comfortable and dash off to microbiology lab.

After lab I came home and enjoyed not having to study for econ or prep for my presentation. I downloaded and watched 2 episodes of The Big Bang Theory. I then went and had chicken stir fry with an apricot sauce. I also made my way to Blockbuster and rented The Invention of Lying. I was told it was a very funny comedy. It was ok. But I probably wouldn't rent it again.

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