Thursday, May 6, 2010

Econ: High marks!/ Less awkward pancake night

I hit the snooze button a coupe too many times this morning and got a bit of a late start. So I rushed off to my econ tutorial. We went over the homework problems and then at the end of the lecture we were given our assignments back. This was the assignment that I spent 2 weeks on and had written 3 times! The tutor (TA) explained to the class that even though some wrote past the maximum word allowance (1200) up to 3,000 that this did not make their work any better. That in fact the best assignment with the highest marks went to the person who had the least amount of words 1100. Guess what? That was me!!!!! I received the highest marks in the class for my economics article report!!!! YAY!!! I got 86!!! I'm learning that 70-80 is what is considered high marks anything above that is pretty dang good. 90 or higher is just plain unheard of. So my day was pretty good after that.

I went to my nutrition class and learned all about how to feed toddlers. This would have been great had I not already taken a Maternal Infant and Children nutrition class at Purdue. So none of it was new, at all. Then during my break I tried a new coffee shop on campus for hot chocolate. Ding ding ding!! I found a winner! It was delicious and it was actually hot!! It melted the marshmallow!!

Went to my last class of the day Economics lecture and then went with Syazrin to the IGA to by some fruit, milk, and stuff for pancake night!!! Vanilla ice cream, banana, and nutella.

Came home and studied for my microbiology quiz tomorrow skipped dinner because I knew I was going to be eating pancakes around 8:30pm. We are getting ready to go to Sophie and Mark's unit to make/ eat pancakes and Suzie is in the kitchen making pancakes for everybody. I don't remember the name but they are a buckwheat pancake with apple slices in them. So she joined us over the other unit and we waited for Mark to finish making pancakes since it was his night. Eventually around 10:00 we finally got to eat. I was so hungry by now that I ate 4 pancakes (one of Suzies, which was really yummy, and three crepe style ones) I had a Suzies with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a crepe filled with banana, nutella, and ice cream, another crepe with sugar and lemon juice, and my last crepe was with peanut butter and nutella (a bit like a reeses crepe) The were all so delicious!!! We took off around 11 and headed back to our unit. I then studied some more for my quiz tomorrow. Wish me luck! I'm not done studying, but I can't stay awake much longer.

Oh yeah I was talking with Nickey and Gavin and I have a button on my bookbag. Nickey pointed it out and ready it, it says "Fiber is sexy" I told her that it is my only button, some people put heaps of them on their bags back home, and that I'm proud of it because I'm in nutrition. She said "What do you call it?" I said "a button." Apparently in South Africa and here in Australia they are called badges. Who knew?

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