Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What a work day!

So I went running this morning. I ran around the block. It is apparently 1.2 Kilometers. So I ran 4 laps to help train for my 4.5K run on Sunday. Unfortunately there were hills. Every time I ran down hill I got side cramps. But the moment I started running up a hill they went away. So as long as the entire 4.5K race is uphill I should be just fine. The distance is not an issue. My legs are not an issue. Just the stupid side cramps.

After running I got ready for my day. I also called and wished Dad a happy birthday! He turned 70 today!!! I was supposed to go out for a field trip for my Australian Studies class. An email was sent out that saying the trip was postponed until next Tuesday. Instead we were to going to watch the movie Australia. Since I have already seen that movie I skipped class. This is my first time skipping since I arriving in Australia and only my 4th time ever out of 5 years of college.

I finally made my way to the post office and mailed a package to the US. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to send dad's kangaroo leather belt because it is an animal product. So I will just try to sneak it in my luggage. It cost $73 to send it via airmail with insurance and a tracking number and will get to the US in 3-6 days. Or I could have sent it via ship freight for $46 with no insurance, no tracking number, and it would take 3-6 MONTHS. So I paid the extra $30 to make sure it gets there.

I'm so glad I did! I gave a presentation last Friday. The write up over the entire project is due this Friday. My group has been amazing at getting a lot of the stuff done before hand. There are three of us and there are 6 parts to the project. So naturally we each write up 2 sections. One of the sections I volunteered for was to write up the evaluation. I did not realize how much work that was going to take! I sat at my computer for 7.5 hours today writing up the evaluation. Apparently there were multiple sections of the evaluation that I did not know about. The team evaluation, the teachers evaluation, peer evaluations, self-reflections, and follow-up. Oh yeah and I had to write up our lesson plan.

So after that I pretty much just ate dinner (cous cous, hamburger meat, stewed tomatos and italian dressing all mixed up) YUM! and watched TV. I just let my brain turn to mush. It was pretty awesome. Then around 10 one of my roommates mentioned that we had a cleaning inspection tomorrow. AHHH! So I got off my bum and cleaned the living room because that was my assigned duty. Only problem this time is that Carmela is not here anymore so Nicky, Kristen, and I cleaned the kitchen (Carmela's duty this week).

That was pretty much it.

Oh yeah and this morning after running I saw an Asian lady riding a bike wearing a black and white fur coat. I was in a tank top and athletic shorts and she was in a fur coat. These people have such a skewed idea of what cold is. All I could do was laugh when I saw that.

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