Friday, May 21, 2010

Lazy Susan's Comedy Den

Woke and went straight to my Nutrition education lab. We learned about the traffic light system that they have in place for school canteens. Remember canteen equals lunch room. Dietitians went through all of the schools’ menus and determined what was a green food, amber food, or red food. If it is green it is fresh fruits and veggies, whole grain bread, white high fiber bread, lean meats and low fat milk, cheese and yogurt. Amber foods include regular milk, cheese, yogurt, popcicles, and chicken nuggets. Red foods are ice cream, chocolate, cookies, and food that are high in sugar or salt (like fries and pop). So it was kind of interesting to learn that there has been a huge push to ban red foods and to increase the school menus to as much green foods as possible. Schools can serve amber foods but only twice a week.

During my one-hour break I stopped in and helped Deb Kerr (the professor I’m helping in research) to take pictures of various fruits for a research project. I then took off to my microbiology lab and was the only one of my lab group (of 4) to show up. So I had to work by myself today. I also found out that we have a quiz next week! YIKES! We just had one 2 weeks ago!

I then returned to work for another 2 hours. After work I ran home and started making spaghetti for dinner. Nicky, Gavin, Andrew and I all took off around 7:30pm to go to Lazy Susan’s Comedy Den for a stand up comedy show! There were 3 comedians. The first two were a little dry, cursed a lot, and made a bunch of sexual references. The last one was the headliner of the show and was absolutely hysterical!

Here are some pictures of us waiting for the show to begin.

Here is a short video of the headliner Michael Connell.

While waiting for the show to begin we went downstairs to the bar and I asked for a Shirley Temple. The bartender disappeared for a while and came back and poured orange juice in a glass and topped it of with grenadine and a lime slice. Not it, but delicious! I went back during the intermission and asked another bar tender for a Shirley Temple. He leaned into me and said no one here knows what the f*** that is. So I told him it was sprite and grenadine. He then informed me that that drink is called a fire engine. Only in Canada and US is it called a Shirley Temple.

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