Monday, May 17, 2010


International Day Against Homophobia!

May 17th is IDAHO day for Suzie and was a big deal for her. May 17th is also Norway Day (like our Independence Day) for my roommate Rikke. So there were a few festivities going on in our household today.

I woke up and went for a nice run. Run for a Reason is a charity fundraising event that takes place on Sunday. It is 4.5K. So I decided that I would run it with Nicky and Gavin. Well, they are going to run/walk the 14K race and I'm taking the shorter route because I'm still getting cramps in my sides when I run. As I did this morning after only 20 minutes.

After my run I went to my group meeting. We presented on Friday to second graders and we met today in order to go over the write up. I have a bunch of stuff to write by Wednesday. I then went to work. I checked my Australian bank account and I did get paid!!! yay!!! It was about $750 and they took out $150 for taxes! Luckily I should be able to get it back because I'm not in the country long enough.

I then went to my microbiology class. It was super cold in that classroom. Since it is a 2 hour class we normally get about a 15-20 minute break in the middle. I was planning on getting hot chocolate during the break to warm up. Today my professor decided that we were running behind on the material so we skipped our break today.

After class I busted my butt home because it had cooled off outside and I was still cold to the bone from class. I got home and Suzie and her friends were there. They had been on campus all day promoting IDAHO. They sold popcorn and sausages (sausage hot dogs) to raise money.

At 7:00pm tonight they had rented out The Tav on campus to host a fundraising event called BINGAY (like-BINGO) So I paid $10 for a ticket. So around 7 I took off and met up with Alyssa, Elizabeth, Matt, and Allie. I forgot my camera!!!! I was so mad that I did. Suzie dressed up as a guy, and there were drag-queens there too! It was quite funny because I passed some on my way there and one queen was trying to teach the other one how to go down stairs in 6 inch heels. I kind of chuckled to myself. So anyway, we sat down to play and before we started we were told to look under our seats for a token. I got one!!! So right off the bat I won a prize of 2 free drinks at a bar called Milkd and 2 coffees. Great I don't drink alcohol or coffee. So I guess I'll just go out with some friends and buy them drinks! But since I won right away I didn't not win a single time at BINGAY. But that was alright by me. We were entertained by performances both by drag-queens and drag kings (?) (girls that dressed like boys).

Overall a very interesting evening full of culture. But good fun. I was hungry and then went and got a chicken kabab. Kababs are Turkish sandwich/wraps. They are very good, but oh so unhealthy.

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