Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chocolate milk hunt

I slept in, quite a bit. It was nice to just lay around in bed and think about things. I did eventually get up and ate toast and eggs. I watched Jessica Watson on the news. She is the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe on a sailboat unassisted. She was at sea for 210 days! She sailed into Sydney Harbor (Circular Quay), where Matt and I visited, around 1:30 today.

After that I got ready and went to the farmer's market in Fremantle. I wandered around the shops and bought a giant profitterole to snack on. This is a pastry filled with custard and topped with powdered sugar and chocolate! Delicious! I also bought dad a new belt since the original one I bought was too small. I think I have finally got everything I need to put in my care package home and will hopefully send it on Monday.

After I bought all of my produce that I needed I went out and wandered around until I stumbled upon a shop called Pure + Natural. I got a chicken sandwich with sun-dried tomato, avocado, bean sprouts, and cheese! It was fantastic. I also got a mixed berry smoothie. It is funny how at home in the US I get smoothies all the time in tropical flavors like mango, pineapple, and coconut. and now that I am in a tropical environment all I want it smoothies made with mixed berries. Of course the berries are not fresh here they are all canned or frozen and same back home with the tropical fruit. I'll get it sorted out one day. The pure and natural smoothie came with berries, ice cream, and milk. So maybe not as healthy as I had intended. All well.

Came back home and cleaned my room, did some laundry, and downloaded and watched 2 episodes of Castle.

I made hamburgers for dinner. The first/last time I ate a hamburger in Australia was when I was in Darwin with Matt and ate the GIANT hamburger with 10 layers of toppings on it. So these were much deserved tonight.

Me and some friends decided that we wanted chocolate milk and to play with sparklers around 10pm. So we set out on a hunt. We went to the IGA that was open until 10 (we arrived at 10:20) and then we wandered around for quite awhile just chatting away and telling stories. We came across a gas station and got chocolate milk. We continued hunting a bit more but had to eventually give up on the sparkler idea because nothing was open. Eventually we made our way back and watched part of The Wedding Singer that was on TV.

Maybe we shall save sparklers for another night :)

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