Monday, April 12, 2010

Sickey Monday

Woke up with muscle aches all over my body, a heavy head, and coughing up gook out of my throat. Well at least I didn't get sick while on vacation. But unfortunately I do have a big economics homework to do for next Monday. I know that means it is due in 7 days. I also have a big mid semester test in Economics next week that I would like to start studying for this week so I will have time to meet with the teacher if I have questions (which I will). I really hate economics. It is just not my thing.

After coming around this morning I met up with Sophie and we went to the mall to do some more grocery shopping. I walked out side to the bus stop in shorts and a T-shirt only to be greeted by cold air and a heavy mist of rain. I would have gone back inside and changed but we were running late for the bus already.

After we got back from grocery shopping we met up with my roommate Nickey and we all decided to put our pajamas back on and go to the common room and watch a movie. We were the only ones there so was watched The Devil Wears Prada and cuddled up in pillows and blankets.

Went to my food microbiology class. Normally we have a professor who is actually pretty good at making the material interesting. Today we got to have a guest lecturer who said "um" and "uh" at least 7-10 times per each sentence. I am not exaggerating either. When he wasn't saying one syllable non-sense words he was stuttering. I spent the whole time counting his filler words and his stutters and have no clue what we talked about. The best part was that there were 84 slide for a 2 hour lecture. He started about 15 minutes late and spent 15 minutes on the first slide. He then realized that we was behind and would speed through a bunch of information and then say "well you don't need to know that" or"nobody uses that procedure anymore." I just kept thinking if it isn't important, or is out of date, why are you wasting out time!!!! I was very sleepy, cold, and miserably sick. I just wanted out of there.

After class I met up with my friend Alyssa and we were able to catch up with each other and share stories from our trips. Her parents flew down from Wisconsin and met her in New Zealand. They rented a camper and drove all over New Zealand. She said is was quite a blast and SUPER DUPER expensive. They pretty much import EVERYTHING so the prices are ridiculously high.

I came home and ate leftovers and then started working on my econ assignment. I also took a nice 2 hour break to watch tv and drink hot chocolate. Which felt amazing. I'm headed off to bed to hopefully rest and recover from whatever little bug is in my body.

1 comment:

  1. Hope by the time you get this you are beginning to feel better. Can you get a "Z" pack? What Terry gets me when I have a sinus infection & ache all over. It really helps. TAke care of yourself; no time to be sick (easily said). If need be, go see a doctor. Is there a clinic at Curtin University like at Purdue? In the mean time, continue to curl up with your teddy. Some how you will survive Econ. You always do. I have faith in you and love you very much.
