Monday, April 26, 2010

Bike ride and dancing!

Because yesterday (Sunday) was ANZAC day the following Monday (today) is an official public holiday. So everyone got the day off of work and the university was closed. So I had no class. I did laundry this morning. And baked a cake for my friend Sayzrin (his B-day was last Monday and he didn't tell anyone). After the cake was finished Sophie, Nickey, and I went on a nice 1.5 hour bike ride. I borrowed a bike from a guy name Mark. He is from Hong Kong and is one of Sophie's roommates. So it was a guy's bike which means that the handle bars are out away much farther then what I'm used to, the seat was way too low (bc he is short), and the seat was at a 45 degree angle upward. So when I sat on it I slid off towards the back tire! So after we fixed the angled seat we were able to start. It was the same route as we did last time (at the beginning of the semester). It was pretty cool. We saw some black swans and a ton of ducks. I got some pictures and video footage of Nickey feeding them.

We got back home and met up with my roommate Suzie. She had just finished frying a steak for dinner (at 4:30pm). I walked into the kitchen and saw the cake still on the stove top where I had left it buy when Suzie fried her stead in oil it splattered all over the cake! So I had to get paper towels and soak up the pools of oil off of the cake. It was pretty gross to see. She said "oops, sorry, guess I should have moved the cake" I was very upset, but I didn't say anything.

So after our showers and dinner Nickey, Gavin, Sophie and I went over to Sayzrin's and wished him a happy birthday! (along with a bunch of other people). Then we took off and went to a subdivision called Northridge to go to a club called The Deen. We got there around 8 and it was pretty dead. We decided that dancing was a good idea because nobody has an early class and we all got our work done today. Anyway, since the club we wanted was pretty empty we walked around and found a bar called The Mustang. There was a live band. We walked inside and it was pretty crowded. The dance floor was covered with people Swing Dancing!!! These people were all older but we didn't care. I took some swing dancing lessons (3) when I was at Michigan State. So we went out on the dance floor and I was trying so hard to remember what I had been taught. I tried to teach the others but we mostly just made it up as we went. It was a ton of fun though.

We took off after a while to see of any other places had picked up yet. Gavin was hungry so we stopped by a chinese restaurant that had meat kabobs on special. The back of the restaurant had a small arcade section so Nickey and I race each other on a motorbikes game. She won. I came in last (out of 4). But we really were neck and neck the whole time!

Anyway after the restaurant we made our way back to The Deen and it had most certainly picked up! There were so many people (our age) it was crazy. They had a live band and it was awsome. We finally got our dancing fix in! So we came back around midnight. After our friend Andrew dropped us off I realized that we still had my passport and camera in his pockets. So I will be able to post pictures tomorrow hopefully when i get my stuff back from him.

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