Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 2 in Sydney!

Friday April 9th

Woke up around 9am and took our sweet time getting ready. We had not scheduled tours or appointments. Our plans were mostly sight seeing things with no time limits. We exited out hotel and stopped by a street vendor selling fruit for breakfast. We then walked along the street all the way to the Royal Botanical Gardens. On our way we saw a sign for 50% off opals! So we stopped in because I was still searching for opals for my “mum.” We entered into a very business office like building. The sign said 3 floor for opals. We got up there and were greeted by men in business suits. They rushed us through 2 security doors and then sat us down at a desk surrounded with areas that were blocked off by barred doors with heavy duty locks. (We were not really sure what to think at that moment in time, other than we were in the WRONG place). Turns out it was a jewelry manufacture. They made the jewelry there. So instead of buying it from a jewelry store we just skipped the middle man and bought it straight from them. All of the workers were very nice to us. I bought some earrings for mom and then we continued on our way to the gardens.

We stopped in at a mall just so I could show Matt how ugly their 80’s styled clothes were. It was pretty funny going around to all of the stores. We agreed that the guys had cool cloths but the girls… not so much.

We did make it to the gardens. They were on the north eastern side of the city. It was pretty cool to look out at all of the trees, flowers, bushes, and grassy hills, and then see skyscrapers behind all of it. We bought some sandwiches and had a little picnic in the gardens over looking the harbor, opera house, and bridge.

There were so many birds making so much racquet that we stopped and stared up into the trees to see what they were fighting over. Here is a picture and a video of what we saw.

Do you know what it is?

Bats! Hundreds and hundreds of bats all up in the trees. It was so weird to think all of these bats in the city!

After lunch we walked over to the opera house. We could have gotten a 1 hour tour for $50 but decided against it. We just walked around the outside instead. We were getting pretty tired of spending money by this point in time.

The opera house is actually covered in tiles! We just though it was big panels or something.

After the opera house we made our way to The Rocks. This is part of the city known for shops, open markets, and street performers. We were able to finish our souvenir shopping here. We also were able to walk under the harbor bridge. We wanted to walk over it to the other side of the city, but we were tired and would have had to walk quite a bit out of our way in order to get on the bridge. So we decided to walk under it instead. We then had to walk all the way home. We did stop in a puppet shop! It was really cool. They had some modern toy puppets but most were from different parts of the world and from a long-long time ago. We finished our walk home (about 45 minutes) and sat on the bed and rested our feet and watched a tv show. We then got ready for our last night in Sydney/ Matt’s last night in Australia. We dressed up and we both looked sharp. Matt wore a blue button up dress shirt, black dress pants, and a coordinating blue and black tie. I wore a new black dress with blue accents. We didn’t even know what the other had packed but we matched perfectly. Yes I had heals to go with my lovely evening dress but I wore silver flip flops all the way to the restaurant and then changed shoes out front. We ate at a place called I'm Angus. It was a very nice steak place that has some famous Australian chef neither of us had ever heard of. We both enjoyed our food very much.

The last thing we did for the evening was make our way to the cinemas to watch “Date Night” with Steve Carrel and Tina Fey. We paid $17 each for a ticket and then decided to get a scoop of ice cream (1 because we didn’t get dessert, and 2 our theaters back home do not serve ice cream) 2 scoops= $10.00. We HIGHLY recommend watching the movie. It was absolutely hysterical. We were laughing the whole time. It was a great way to end our journey crossed Australia.

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