Thursday, April 29, 2010

Awkward pancake night.

Didn't sleep well last night. Woke up this morning and had to rush off to econ, followed by Nutrition Education, followed by a group meeting where neither of my group mates showed up. Then I had my econ lecture. After that I went to work to discover that the other researching assistant was working today. So I will just go in tomorrow from 3-6 and get some more hours in. Came home and snacked and watched some tv. Then took a nap. Woke up in time for dinner and pancake night. It was Gavin's turn to make pancakes (crepes). It was an awkward night. Mostly because Suzie has found a way to piss off each person that normally joins on pancake night. So they were all dreading her arrival. She doesn't come regularly only every once in a while. She came tonight and every time we would say something she would suddenly think of another thing to say VERY LOUDLY over what others were talking about. I mentioned how I got a pretzel at the mall and there is no cheese to dip it in. She blurts out before I finish my sentence that "The only pretzels she would ever eat are ones from Germany, because those are the only proper pretzel." Another incidence is how she goes on and on about Golden Syrup and how it is truly Australian and you cant get it anywhere else. She brought this up for probably the 10th time (I'm not exaggerating either). So Sophie, who is originally from England, kindly pointed out that it says right on the can made in the UK. Suzie went on and on still. So we then pointed out the English Coat of Arms clearly marked in the labeling of the can. Suzie claimed it was still Australian. So it finally to the internet to prove to her that she was wrong. She is off in her own world. It is hard to describe her mannerisms. So after our delicious pancakes Suzie left to go do homework and we stayed over at Gavin's and watched an episode of Family Guy. Afterword, we all went our separate ways. I came home and watched an episode of The Big Bang theory.

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