Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Econ Exam!

I did not sleep well last night. I think it was either because I was worried about my exam or bc I had a big bowl of ice cream before bed, or bc there was a cricket chriping in my room, or bc the light post outside my room kept flashing off and on. Either way. I woke up pretty sleepy and then remembered I had an exam and then finished waking up pretty quickly.

I did a kickboxing workout. The first in 3 weeks. It went much better than the run yesterday morning. Took a shower and then hit the books. I studied all the up until the exam, from 9am to 2pm. I even studied while walking to the exam. It was 30 question multiple choice and we had 45 minutes. I answered all of them and only had 2 "?" beside problems. I love it when there are only 2 problems I'm not sure how to do! So I made some educated guesses on those. I think I should come out doing just fine.

After my exam I went to work (about 3pm) I get there and log onto the computer. None of the files I created were there. I searched the entire computer for them (yes I save them from the last time I worked on them) Deb was in a meeting, so I just created a new file and figured I would start where I left off. That why when I find the old files I can just merge them together. I entered in only 1 person's data, saved it, and then restarted the computer. Guess what? It was gone! I looked where I had saved it to and everywhere else. I then created a word document and saved it to the desktop (so it woud be easy to find). Restarted, again it was gone! I think the comuter can't save anything. So I was hoping to get in a bunch of hours today but since it was meaningless to enter them just to lose them I went home. I called Deb when she got out of her meeting and we will get together tomorrow and try to solve the mystery. Came home, went to the IGA and bought things like milk and bread and then microwaved a frozen dinner and watched some TV. There were no good shows on.

Oh yeah I went to do my econ homework that is due tomorrow (econ project due Mon, exam today, homework tomorrow) what a terrible class! I open up my folder with the weekly questions in it and it says WEEK 8, EXAM WEEK, No tutorial classes!!!!! So I do not have class at 10 am!!! Also my nutrition ed teacher is gone for the week so no nutrition class from 11-1, I have econ lecture on wed and thurs, since half the class took the exam today, and the other half takes it tomorrow I have no econ lecture tomorrow from 2-3.!!!!!!!!! I have the day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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