Friday, April 23, 2010

Laid back end of week

Didn't sleep well last night because my roommates came home drunk and decided to create an audition tape for the show Glee. So they were all singing "Try to make me go to rehab... and I said no no no" So I had to listen to that starting at 12:30am until 1-2am.

Normally I have lab from 9-12 and again from 1-4. Today my morning lab was cancelled. So I did another kickboxing workout this morning. Then I took a shower and got ready for the day. I met up with my group for our nutrition education project. We have to give a 40 minute presentation to second graders about fruits and vegetables. After that, I came back home and ate lunch and then rushed off to microbiology lab. We got out of lab early around 3pm. So I went to the Public Health building and did some more work. I was only allowed to work 1.5 hours because then I had reached my allowance of 10 hrs a week. Came home and watched some TV, ate dinner, and continued watching TV. I was given an Australian cookbook the other day so I also sat down and thumbed through it. The recipes seem pretty exciting. The only down side is that when I get home to the states I won't be able to cook a lot of the things out of it because we don't have certain foods. It was a pretty good and relaxing day.

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