Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Interntaional exchange fair/ netball

Got up and after getting ready for the day I headed for a 20 minute walk to the post office. Because I am giving a presentation to 2nd graders for one of my classes, I need to turn in a form for a background check. So after I get to the post office and stand in line it is finally my turn. I hand the lady the form, the $10 for the background check, my passport, my bank card and then she asks for a proof of address. This could be a bill or a copy of my lease. CRAP! So now I get to make another trip to the post office and do it all again.

I then went onto campus for the international office exchange fair. I worked at the booth about going to the USA. Most people wanted to know if fraternities and sororities actually existed. And then one of the schools that Curtin has ties with was Virginia Tech. People that saw the pamphlet for Virginia Tech kept asking "Isn't that where they had the big shoot out?" I would respond yes and then they would give a look like "Are you crazy? I'm not going there!" I guess I couldn't really blame them. There were only 2 brochures for Purdue and they both were pretty crappy. I felt bad because there really aren't many attractions to brag about.

After the fair I went to class and then to work for a few hours. I came back home around 6 and my roommate Nickey said that her intramural netball team. Net ball is easiest to describe by combining basketball and ultimate frisbee and then adding a bunch of stupid petty rules. Then I came back and FINALLY got to eat dinner around 8:30. My tummy was so happy afterwords!! Then I watched some tv and fell asleep. So now that I have awoken from my nap I'm trying to quickly finish my blog and my econ homework and then go back to bed.

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