Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fire Alarm

I went to me econ tutorial today. Remember the quiz that I took right before I left for break? Well I go it back today. There were 12 questions. At the time I only knew how to do 4 of them. When there were 3 minutes left of the quiz I went through the 8 that I did not know how to do and randomly guessed (it was a multiple choice quiz). I got the quiz back today and decided that God loves me! I got 11 out of 12! I honest to goodness have no idea how. It was pure luck! I hope that happens again on my econ test that I have next Wednesday.

After econ I went to my nutrition education class. This is a 2 hour class. We were about 30 minutes in and the whole room started rumbling and vibrating. Then, the fire alarm went off! There is a construction zone right behind our class room. I thought a big truck was backing up. That Beep Beep noise a big truck makes when it is reverse was how the fire alarm sounded. After about 30 seconds of beeping a recorded announcement to evacuate the building came on over the intercom system. So everyone in the building evacuated. The library on the other side of the building also evacuated. One fire truck came. We stood outside for about 30 minutes before we went back in and finished our lecture.

After that I came home and then went to the IGA to buy some milk and ice cream. It was my turn for pancake night. I ran out of milk yesterday. So I needed to go buy milk to make fluffy American pancakes. I bought the ice cream because it was on sale from $8 for a 1 liter tub to $5. And because my throat is so sore. It felt so good to eat the ice cream!

I watched a couple of episodes that Matt downloaded onto an external hard drive for me. Then Sophie, Syzrin, Mark, Matt, Nickey, and I had our traditional Thursday night pancake night with fluffy pancakes and maple syrup. Then, we all played cranium! It was quite a blast! It was a bit challenging since everyone is from different countries. Not everyone knew the so-called famous person that was being acted out, or the song that was being hummed. It was an educational experience for everyone and so much fun!

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