Saturday, April 24, 2010

Farmer's Market, Mall, ANZAC prep.

I did not sleep well thanks to some drunken roommates. I was woken up at 8am by a phone call from my friend Anna. I told her on Wednesday that I would go to the farmer's market with her today and to the mall. I assumed we had all day. Turns out she was calling because she had work from 12pm-2pm. So she wanted to go to the farmer's market at 9 and then the mall afterwords. So we did. I got lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

We went to the mall and there were a ton of sales going on. I got 2 skirts for $5 each and 2 tops for $10 each. That is an AMAZING deal for Australia. I was super excited. Came home around 3 and I sat in my room and vegged out. We had been on the go since 8am. So I barely made it through a TV show and then laid down and took a nap. It was a very nice nap :)

Around 5 my friend Andrew came over and picked me up. My roommates were all gone and I was pretty bored. So we went over to his place and I made stir fry with all of my fresh veggies and he got things ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow is ANZAC day. This stands for Australia New Zealand Army Core. Andrew is a member of the Australian Army. Well he did 4 years and is now going to school. He is currently in the reserves. There will be 4 army personnel at the memorial service in Kings Park tomorrow and Andrew is one of them. This is a big deal. After the service there will be a parade of the veterans and the current members of the Army here in Perth. I'm excited that I know someone who will be the ceremony and in the parade that follows.

Andrew had to work from 11-5 today and then had to iron his uniform, polish his brass, and shine his boots. So as a trade of getting me out of boredom I made dinner and we watched a game of footy on TV (well I did, he got thins ready). Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the memorial ceremony is a dawn ceremony. I'm getting up at 4:30am to go with Vickery House (my housing unit). Because Andrew is in it, he has to get up at 3:30am. So it was important that he got to bed early, hence why I made dinner.

Anyway, I'm going to take off to bed early this evening and get some much needed sleep to make up for the last couple of nights and to stock up on for tomorrow's festivities.

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