Monday, April 19, 2010

First day at work!

Woke up this morning and went to work. I was trained on how to use the computer program for the first hour and then worked another 2 hours. I would have loved to work longer but my giant economics assignment was due at 5 today and I had class from 3-5. So I had to run home around noon for lunch and to assemble the project and go over last minute details.

It was quite a chore to turn it in. I went to the building where the school of management's main office was located. When I couldn't find my T.A's mailbox I had to ask the lady at the desk. She informed me that I actually needed to go 2 buildings over to the school of economics' main office. The office was on the 5th floor. I get there and immediately the lady at the desk tells me I need to go down to the 3rd floor turn right out of the elevator and turn right again to find the "pigeon holes" or what we would call mailboxes. I get down to the 3rd floor and go right twice and ended up in a computer lab. So then I went back to the elevators and went left twice the discover a dead end. I went back the elevator and found 2 other people looking for the same pigeon holes as me. We went up and down all the hall ways. Eventually the lady from the desk on the 5th floor was walking around on the 3rd floor too. Someone else had gotten her to come down and show us where they were. I finally found the pigeon holes only to discover that there was not a time stamp machine.

All of the assignments here (for every class) are not collected in class but turned into a specified mailbox. They all must have the school's cover sheet on top of them too. There is a special spot on the cover sheet where the assignments get a time stamp. The machine is very similar to one that you would see at a job where you have time cards that get stamped in and out. Anyway I find the mailbox and there is no time stamp machine. I had to go all the way back up to the 5th floor in order to get my assignment stamped and then back down to 3rd floor to finally turn it in.

Then I went to my food microbiology and learned all about how sewage is treated back into water. Important because water is considered a food. Here in Perth they just get rid of the "chunks" of stuff in the sewage and then treat it to kill particular microbes. Then they pump it out into the ocean. Places that have high demand for water and not enough of it treat it all the way back to potable "drinkable" water. These places included but are not limited to Singapore and London. Even though I understand that it is safe, it is still kind of disturbing to think of drinking water "made" from sewage.

Then came home and watched tv, ate dinner, and studied some more for my econ exam on Wed.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like turning an assignment in is harder than doing the assignment. Lokks like you wreen't the only student in search of the magical mailbox. Then no time stamp. Good thing you're in great shape so you can run third and fifth floor; that is after you run to different buildings to find the right one. Never knew how good you had it in the states. I read in today's paper that only 10% of college stdents spend time studying overseas. See, you are part of an elite group. Got your phone call this morning, but I was actually at the exercise class. I am going faithfully, even without mom. It helps me so I keep going. Mom is faithfully riding the indoor bike every night. Some day we'll have to purchas rea bikes so we can ride them outside - when the snow clears (scuse my sarcasm). I have a meetin Tues morning at 9:30 at the Benton County library. So will be home til 9:25. Love to talk with you. Sounds like you may actually like your new job. Good luck on your econ exam on Wed. I'm very proud of you (I know you never hear me say that.)

    Love, dad
