Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vocabulary Issures

Even though Australia is an English speaking country there are still a few word barriers. Here is what I have discovered so far.

What we call a Major is what they call a 'course'. This is difficult when I'm on the Curtin University's website trying to pick out classes and I keep searching under Courses. Turns out what they call classes is 'units.' This is also difficult because I live in a 'unit' instead of a dorm. Their on-campus apartments are called 'flats'.

Also they 'do' classes where as we 'take' classes.

We take out 'garbage' they take out 'rubbish'.

When filling out a form, you are asked to 'tick' a box, as opposed to 'check' off a box.

A girl commented on how pretty my file was. I was confused until she pointed at my folder in my hands.

My roommate Suzie moved in. She is from WA (Western Australia). I offered to help her unpack and move in. She told me that I could help her put her 'crockery' away. Turns out that means pots, pans, plates, spoons, and every piece of kitchen utensil.

That is all I can think of for now. I'll be sure to let you know when I learn more.

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