Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Oh my goodness, I think we have been hit with a heat wave!! I woke up today and did a kickboxing workout while it was still nice out. By the way I don't know if I ever mentioned it before but there is no air conditioning in any of the student housing units :( So did the workout and talked to Matt for a bit. Spent 2 hours planning what to do for when Matt gets hers. Then I went onto campus in order to get my classes figured out. It was 42 degrees Celsius. That means it was about 110 degrees Fahrenheit!!! Today was Guild O day. At Purdue if you are a student, you get discounts on everything. Here as a student you have to pay $100 to become a member of the Guild. Then you are eligible for discounts on food, clothing, and can join campus clubs. I went out after still not getting my classes figured out at the exchange office and decided to walk around the mad house of booths. Each club gives away shirts, reusable bags, hats, water bottles, hot dogs, and other stuff. After searching for what seemed to be eternity in Hell (really it was that hot today) I discovered they only have academic clubs. Chemistry club, nursing club, Business club. They do not have anything fun like surfing club, kayaking club, water ski club. I then stopped in at the Student Travel Association they have here on campus. They did inform me that the northern half of Australia, including the area around the Great Barrier Reef would be in the rainy season when Matt came to visit. Also, because it is Australia's #1 tourist spot EVERYTHING is way overpriced. So at least they hooked me up with some cool new places. I stepped outside and immediately realized that when I loaded on the sunscreen this morning I must have forgot my feet!! They felt like they were on fire and I walked back as quickly as possible.

I decided to make spaghetti for dinner tonight. During this process I discovered 2 things about Australia. #1 the noodles here take almost an entire episode of the Simpsons to cook (25 min). Yes that is starting after the water boiled. #2 They have the Simpsons here! That is the first American show I have discovered here. Well they have their own version of a lot of reality shows like Australian Idol, So You Think You Can Dance Australia, and whatnot.

That is pretty much it. Not a very exciting day today. It was too hot to do anything. And the closest ice cream store is a 20 minute walk from campus!! You would think someone would have the bright idea of putting one closer than that. I swear they would have sold out today.


  1. Good to see you today on the computer. After exercise we went to the bp for biscuits and gravy. While there the benton review was delivered for this week and you and Matts pictures were in it!! I can't believe Karen put it in so soon. She usually waits 6 mos.
    I guess from now on you will remember to sunscreen your feet! I have burned the tops of mine a few times it it sure makes it hard to put on footware. Guess I better quit and keep this short. Love mom

  2. Ouch! I guess your feet will eventually turn to leather, Bet you remember to use sunscreen next time. Everyday you're finding out that although Australia may seem to be like Amereican, there are many differences, even down to the noodles for spagatti.I was excited about your and Matt's picture in the Benton Review. Looks great! Hope you can soon get your classes straightened out. If need be, pay $100. dollars for the clubs. Sure was great talking with you 'live' this morning. Even LuLu loved it. Hope tomorrow isn't so hot! Maybe it's a good thing classes don't begin until next week.

    LOve, dad
