Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 1 Signing up for classes

I slept really well until 3 am when the sprinklers went off and I thought that water was left running somewhere. I went back to sleep only to wake up to what sounded like ugly monkeys yelling at each other. Eventually, I went back to sleep. Woke up at 7:30am. I bought groceries the previous evening. I bought cereal ($7) half gallon of milk ($3) and orange juice ($3). I came back from the store to discover that there is nothing in this apartment. No bowls, cups, spoons or any other kitchen related items. So I poured my cereal in my nalgene bottle, poured milk on top of it, and drank my cereal. I actually drank the milk and the cereal stayed in the bottom of my bottle so then I used the handle of my tooth brush in order to pull my cereal out. I also drank the OJ straight out of the carton. Turns out is is orange drink, very gross.
I then went on to campus to get my ID card, sign up for classes, and a bus card. 5 hours later I accomplished getting my ID card and got signatures of professors to let me take their class. Still need to actually sign up for class and get a bus card. At least I got to learn the campus and get to know my professors for the semester. The buildings go by numbers not names like Union, or Stone Hall. Also the numbers are randomly assigned to the buildings. They are not in numerical order like you would think. This makes finding a building very difficult.
On another note, when I went outside this morning a big white bird flew over my head and landed on the ground about 10 yards away. It was a parrot!!! They are all over the place. There are also big black birds that look a lot like ravens. It is these ugly birds that woke me up early in the morning. They are very loud and sound like a grumpy monkeys.
I got to meet more of my roommates today. There is Carmela (who I met last night) from Toronto Canada, Ashley from Boston, Rikke from Norway, Kristen from the USA but I don't remember where, and Suzie from right here in Western Australia. Suzie moved in 2 hours ago and brought pots, pans, and other kitchen stuff. She cooked a veggie stir fry and had leftovers and no tupperware. So I got dinner for free tonight!! Also she taught me that the orange drink gets diluted with water. Even though it looks like water with a slight tint of orange it really does taste more like orange juice than when it was straight out of the carton.
When I was on campus earlier I ate lunch at a cafeteria there and stole a bunch of plastic forks, spoons, and knives :) The lunch I ate came in tupperware! So I definitely saved that and have a bowl and spoon for my cereal!!

1 comment:

  1. Avoid using the word "stole". Try something like "I loaded up on plastic silverware" or something less convicting in a court of law.... ha ha haaa.
    Cheers, and congrats on your first day in Austrailia.
    P.S. Vegemite tastes "Nasty" at first, but after a while the flavor kinda grows on ya.
