Friday, February 26, 2010

First Taste of Night Life

Today I got up and met with my Intro to Microbiology professor because that class is at the exact same time as another class. After about an hour of discussion it was finally approved for me to take Food Microbiology. The problem was that Intro to Micro was a prerequisite. That was the huge long debate. So I am officially in for a tough semester.

I then went to my Nutrition Education orientation and learned all about the class. That class will be a lot of work also but I should get a lot out of it. The orientation made me realize that I will have to relearn a lot of material. At home we say one serving of meat is 4 ounces. They don't use ounces here, they use grams. So a serving of meet is 250 grams. So that was an eye opener that I never thought about before. When they write papers they also use a different citation format. You also don't turn assignments into professors or T.A.s you turn them into the front office with a cover letter, which is another thing I need to learn to do before my first assignment.

After that I went on a library tour. I'm glad I did. Their library is 6 floors!! It is the only one but it is gigantic. Also the library is open from 8:30am to 5:45pm. That is CRAZY! Classes are scheduled all the way until 8:00 pm. How are students supposed to study?

Went grocery shopping again. Pretty darn excited about the popsicles I bought. I think they are the best investment I have made since I have been here. It was 96 F today.

After dinner I went out with a few friends to The Tavern. It is a bar here on campus. It blew everybody's mind that I don't drink. Had a good time until about 10:00 pm. By then it was too crowded and there were too many drunks. I have run into many people in the past that have stereotypes about Americans drinking until they are drunk and how inappropriate it is. Well, tonight I saw a lot of drunken Aussies, Indians, Chinese, Europeans, and everybody else from various places around the globe. I don't think it is just Americans. I think it is college students.

The Aussies are very much stuck in the 80's. Not like our current fashion with a hint of the 80's such as aviators, and belts around the middle of our waist when wearing a dress. I mean people over here have the crimps in their hair, the VERY floral prints, the strapless dresses that are shorts on the bottom. I'm pretty sure I saw dresses that were identical to the ones I used to wear as a kid. There are lots of neon colors and shoulder pads too. I'm pretty sure if mom and dad sent me Michelle's dresses from when she was in college which are in the basement closet I would fit right in.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you are glad that I donated those dresses to Goodwill last summer. Decided I'd kept them long enough. Looks like you need to carry plastic silverware in you backpack or purse. Did you take a small knife with you to Australia? Resent the engineer joke again. Hope this works. Looks like your leisure days are soon to end. Sounds like you live at the library between classes. Night life must even be important to library workers. Glad you got the microbiology situation straightened out. Evn though food micro will be a challenge, it's better than being one course short and having to take a course this summer at Purdue, etc. You can do it! (Yhe tough course work, that is. Bet you're glad you're not doing research also. Boy, you must be an odditiy, a non-drinking American. Proud of you! I'm so old I have forgotten what the 80's were like. Maybe you're living in a time warp. Purdues best all-around basketball player, went down with a season-ending knee injury (ACLU)? That was Wed night while playing U of Minn @ Minnesota. Purdue was leading like 26 to 11 when he went down during the first half. Minn came roaring back, took a big lead, then Purdue came back and literally gutted it out and Grant made the winning basket with 5 seconds left (58 to 57). But their final 4 dreams, etc, just went out the window.
    Enough for now. Love ya, DAD
