Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bad bus ride and jellyfish

Did a kickboxing workout this morning with my friend Sophie. Apparently somebody broke glass and didn't clean it up and Sophie stepped on a piece. Also, went to the bathroom this morning and someone killed a cockroach. They smeared it all over, yuck. It is still there 12 hours later. I don't want to clean either of the messes up because I didn't make them. But I also don't want to have to worry about glass in the carpet or a cockroach infestation.

Anyway after the workout we went to the farmers market. This time I bought a ton of fruits and vegetables. They are SOOOO delicious! We came back and I decided to eat one of my nice cold frozen popsicles that I bought yesterday. Yeah, it tasted like regular ice that was colored orange and had an every so slight taste of orange :( Well it did the trick and cooled me down a little bit. It only got up to 96 F today.

Then we went downtown to the Fremantle Market. It is only open on Fri, Sat, Sun. We took the bus to get there. We take bus number 100 to get half way and then have to switch to the 106 bus. There are no maps of any of the routes. We have to go online to and tell it your origin and destination and it will tell you what buses to take. The internet told us to take the 106 to the Fremantle bus station. We pulled into a station but I didn't know which one, so I asked the bus driver if it was the Fremantle Station. He said yes. I asked where the market was. He said take the 501 bus. So we got off of the bus. Turns out that we could have stayed on the bus, we were NOT at the Fremantle station. The 501 took us to the Fremantle station. But we had to wait 40 min in 96 F heat! I was so angry that the bus driver lied to us and told us to get off of the bus, when we should have stayed on. Once we got to the market, I ended up fiding 2 skirts there. One was $35 and the other $25. I know that is expensive for the US but in Australia that is a freaking fantastic find. I'm super excited.

After the market we headed to the beach. We were hot and sweaty at this point in time. Here there are designated dog beaches. So we opted for that one. That way we got to play with puppies!!! Especially since ours are at home. We dove into the water immediately and it was phenomenal!!! After a while Anna said she saw a jellyfish. After about 20 seconds of deliberation she decided it was clear plastic trash. We moved away from that spot in the water. About 3 minutes later I felt a piece of free floating seaweed get wrapped around my thigh I looked down, because the water really is crystal clear, and couldn't find the seaweed. Instead I found a clear plastic looking sphere that was floating around about 7-8 inches under the water in the water. It was not moving but it was very symmetrical and I'm pretty sure it was a jellyfish. I didn't want to touch it and find out if it was trash or not. So instead we got out of the water.

After we returned home from the beach I told my roommates. They informed us that it was probably a dead jellyfish and that is why it didn't hurt when it touched us and why it wasn't moving anywhere just floating about.

After dinner I went over to Anna's and we had a movie night. We watched the Bourne Identity.

I learned at the Farmers Market that bell peppers are called 'capsicums.' I don't even have a clue where that name came from.

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