Thursday, February 25, 2010

FOODcents/ Moonlight Movie

Went to the grocery store this morning for an orientation for my Nutritional Education class. We learned about the FOODcents program that they have here in Australia. Pretty much it is about looking at a product, say flour, and seeing that it is priced at $2.50. Then when you look at the bottom of the price you can find that is it $1.25 / Kg (about 2.2 lbs) and looking at sugar which is priced at $3.80 per package which is about $1.90/Kg. Last, you would look at cake mix which is $4.00 for the box and is actually $8.40 /Kg. The average shopper would see that the packages of sugar and flour combined are $6.30 and the cake mix package is $4.00. They don't realize that cake mix is flour and sugar. Instantly they would have to spend and extra $2.30. But in the long run they could make multiple cakes and actually save money.

Then I went to the classroom part of the FOODcents orientation, followed by my microbiology orientation. Walked around campus and discovered a small little shop that has 8 computers and prints 5 cents a page and 7 cents if it is front and back of the page. This is the cheapest on campus!!! All of the campus computer labs charge 11 cents a page. No discount if front and back printing. At Purdue it was 4 cents a page. 8 cents front and back. Plus Purdue gave every student a $20.00 allowance fro printing. Also discovered that it is $380 for a gym membership here. It was free at Purdue!! Plus Purdue has a swimming pool. This place does not.

Went to the mall and walked around for 3 hours because it was air conditioned :) It is the end of summer and all of their sales are going on right now. But for them a sale is $30 for a pair of shorts. $50 for a sun dress. I think that is a little bit steep. Here is a picture of the doughnuts that they sell in the mall. They are all neon colors for the icing and then they are half way dipped into sprinkles. Then we came home and got ready to go to the Moonlight Movie at Kings Park.

We left and took the bus about half way and then got off in order to switch to another bus that would take us the rest of the way. We got off the bus where our directions told us to but the new bus passed on by because we were not at the designated stop for that particular bus. Turns out that was the last bus. But we were told we could walk it in 20 minutes. The movie started at 7:30pm and it was only 6:30. We walked for 45 minutes and finally reached the entrance to Kings Park. This park, by the way, is HUGE! It is full of hiking, running, and biking trails. On our way there during the 45 min walk we stumbled upon kangaroo statues. decided that we were hungry. So we stopped at a grocery store we spotted and I bought a half of a cantaloupe, a banana, and a box of granola bars. Unfortunately, I could not find a single spoon. So every time we passed by a restaurant I would go in and ask if they had a plastic spoon to go. Anyway, we get to the entrance of the park, still no spoon, and we asked people if they knew where the Moonlight Movie was being played. They said at the top of the hill. 15 minutes later we made it to the top. Up there we could see the Perth city skyline.

At the top we asked to more people and they said it was another 20 minute walk down to the bottom of the hill on the opposite side that we just came up on. We said to each other to forget the movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and plopped down in the grass and ate our dinners and watched the skyline. I ate everything except the cantaloupe because I never got a spoon to eat it with :(

Then we walked to the bottom of the hill, caught a bus that took us home, and went our separate ways. It was so hot in my room that when I grabbed the shampoo and conditioner for when I took my nice, cold, and refreshing shower the liquid inside of the bottles was hot. So was the door handle to my room. After my shower my deodorant was warm to put in my armpits. It was all weird.

I did learn some more vocabulary.
We get fast food. They get 'take away' food.

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