Saturday, February 20, 2010

Farmers Market/ Film Festival

This morning I woke up and went with a few friends to the local farmer's market. It was about a 10 minute walk. It is very similar to that of our farmer's markets back home, except for that fact that the produce is cheaper than that in the supermarkets. Whereas, at home it is more expensive. They sold potted plants, fruits, veggies, cold cuts, cheese, honey, tea, and ice cream. I bought locally made honey, which is very delicious, and fruits and veggies.

After the farmer's market we all went back home to our separate units/flats and ate lunch and put our purchases away. We decided to go to a film festival tonight. So around 3:30 I left to meet up with everyone else. They all live on the other side of campus, about a 14 minute walk. On my way to meet them there was a big flock of parrots on the ground eating pine cones!!!! I walked up to within 4 feet of them and took pictures. I saw the parrot on my 2nd day here and then only ever saw them in flight after that. Now I finally have pictures!!
Anyways, so after I got the pictures of the parrots I continued on my journey to the far side of the campus. Just to give you a better idea, this campus has 40,000 students. That is actually a little bit bigger than Purdue University's campus. I got to the end of a road and there was a fence. I needed to get on the other side of the fence in order to meet my friends at the bus stop. So I did the only logical thing. I jumped the fence. On my way down the tip of the fence caught my short's pocket and ripped it :( so now I need to go buy another pair of shorts. I made it in time to catch the bus though.

On the bus we got to meet local teenagers. They were very forward, brash, and rude. They kept asking why Americans thought they were better than everyone else. They also asked why every American is fat. (By the way, not a one of the 6 of us was fat). They did all of this in the worst redneck impression that I have ever heard. The teens thought they were cool as they carried their skateboards on the bus and wore rat tails in their hair. Not even stylish rat tails. These started in the middle of the back half of their head, and were off center. The 80's has made a huge comeback in Australia. Everyone wears jeans above their bellybutton and cut off shorts. Along with neon colors, high tops, and sequins.

Once downtown we went down town to a location called Fremantle. We ate at dinner at what seemed to be Perth's very small version of China town. But China town has cheap food. I got a nice dinner for only $6. Then we went to the show. It was a much smaller venue that what we had anticipated. Also, because we were students we only had to pay $6 to get in instead of $10. We watched a film about a bunch of internet short videos. They were all very comical. It was 9:00pm so we decided to catch the bus home. We took one bus to about a half way point and then had to get off and switch busses. Turns out the other bus, which is the only bus that would take us back to the university stopped running at 8pm. So we hailed a taxi. The taxi driver took us home and didn't charge us because he was actually done for the night and our home was on the way. So we thanked him immensely.
Alyssa, Anna, Carmela, Kyle, Chelsea, and me!

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